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Year 6 Blog

Page 7

  • Romeo and Juliet

    Published 25/01/19, by Admin

    This term, Year 6 are focussing a lot of their learning around the plays of William Shakespeare. We are currently looking at Romeo and Juliet and have acted out key scenes creating freeze frames. As well as inspiring their writing, Year 6 are also taking part in a competition run by the Royal Opera House. They have been set the task to design and create the staging for a particular scene for the Romeo and Juliet ballet. Many schools are entering and the winning prize will be a backstage tour of the Opera House itself!

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  • Kingswood - Last Day!

    Published 09/11/18, by Andy Mari

    As predicted last night, the children slept soundly and have already been abseiling this morning. They are really looking forward to seeing their families in a few hours! They have had an incredible time and have shown great friendship and determination throughout their time at Kingswood. We will keep school notified of our  the progress of our homeward journey.

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  • Kingswood Day 3 - update

    Published 08/11/18, by Andy Mari

    Year 6 have had a great afternoon at Kingswood. The staff beat the kids at Aeroball (I wonder which member of staff was being competitive there?), however the children triumphed at Archery. The evening entertainment is Mini Olympics followed by hot chocolate and bed. So be sure that the children will be sleeping well tonight, ready for the last day and the journey home!

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  • Kingswood- Day 3

    Published 08/11/18, by Andy Mari

    Day 3- The children slept well last night and so were well rested for today. There were a few pranks attempted on the staff during the morning Dorm time, however they haven't got one over on us....yet! The children have had a fun packed morning playing football rounders, building rockets and tackling Team Work Challenges. The children have shown great resilience, communication and leadership.

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  • Kingswood Day 2

    Published 07/11/18, by Andy Mari
    Year 6 have had a good nights sleep (well mostly) and after a hearty breakfast were ready to tackle the zip wire and Jacobs ladder! The children have settled into the routine at Kingswood quickly and have been problem solving together and scaling heights up Jacobs Ladder and Zip Wire. Below there are more pictures on the word document for viewing. Were off to the beach!
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  • Kingswood!

    Published 07/11/18, by Admin

    Year 6 have had a great start to their week at Kingswood. The coach journey was long and loud and the children were ready to stretch their legs and explore as soon as they got off. We have met our group leader: Harry, who,  full of enthusiasm, led the group around the site for a quick tour before a delicious dinner.

    After dinner, the children carried out their first activity: Nightline. Forming a single file line, the children were blindfolded and led around a tricky obstacle course in the forest while the staff got their own back (in advance for the lack of sleep) by making them jump as they went. There was a lot of mud and a lot of excitable screaming!

    Next, the quiz. In groups of 4, the children completed a general knowledge quiz (which I'm relieved to say the staff team won!). Coming a close second were Harry, Liam, George and Cory. Well done boys!

    The children slept well throughout the night (mostly) and are now beginning today's activities. They will be zip wiring, climbing Jacob's ladder and visiting the coast today.

    They are all safe, well and very happy. Enjoy the photos!

    Mrs Sparrow

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  • Drop Everything and Read

    Published 12/10/18, by Admin

    Year 6 just LOVE reading! We can't get them to put their books down (although we're not complaining!). They have been desperate for another Drop Everything And Read session. Take a look at some of the photos to see where in the classroom they enjoy reading the most!

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  • Blood Smoothies

    Published 14/09/18, by Admin

    This half term Year 6 are learning about the circulation system. We started by exploring the components that make up our blood. The children concocted blood smoothies using strawberries, marshmallows, sprinkles and fruit juice. 

    The strawberries represent the red blood cells.

    The marshmallows represent the white blood cells.

    The sprinkles represent the platelets. 

    The fruit juices represents the plasma.

    See if your child can remember the function of each component!

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  • Science Week

    Published 22/06/18, by Admin

    The children (and staff) had great fun this Science Week. The experiments carried out at home, and bought in to share with the class, have been fantastic and we have thoroughly enjoyed being educated and entertained all in one! Year 6 also carried out an experiment to test reaction speeds, and visited Barnwell School for a taster Biology, Physics and Chemistry lesson. 

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  • Dragon Boating

    Published 08/06/18, by Admin

    The week before half term, some of our Year 6 children went Dragon Boating! It was a great day filled with lots of water based activities as well as some time relaxing in the sun!

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  • Art Week

    Published 08/06/18, by Admin

    During art week, Year 6 looked closely at Monet's Water lilies painting and after practising their drawing techniques, designed their own lily themed piece of art work and used water colours to add colour using a watery effect. Have a look at just some of their amazing art work.

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  • World Book Day in Year 6

    Published 01/03/18, by Admin

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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