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Year 6 Blog

Page 8

  • Holocaust Memorial Day

    Published 26/01/18, by Admin

    This week, Year 6 visited Thomas Alleyne to take part in a Holocaust Memorial Day workshop. They worked in groups on taks to help them understand what it would have been like to live during the war, as well as reading about the lives of significnt individuals who have overcome unfair persecution. They listened respetfully to the story of Anne Frank and many children are now keen to read her diary.

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  • Scientist TV interview!

    Published 16/01/18, by Admin
    The children have been doing lots of Science and one of their favourite topics was the water cycle. They were set the challenge to write and perform a script between a children's news presenter and a scientist. They used their own scientific
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  • Our last day at Kingswood

    Published 10/11/17, by Admin

    The children are now busy completing their last activity here at Kingswood.

    After an action packed day yesterday, with many children showing lots of resilience and determination, we put on our dancing shoes and hit the dance floor! Miss Thomas and Mrs Thomas even showed the Kingswood instructors how to do the dance for Saturday Night properly!!!

    This morning, we had an extra treat and had some birthday cake to celebrate Hayden and Isabelle's birthday. We have been shelter building and some of us have braved the zip wire. Special mentions to Evan for climbing to the top and facing his fear of heights and Dylan and Cameron who were very unsure but ended up zipping down the zip wire!

    We are looking forward to one last lunch before getting onto the coach- where the teachers are hoping the children (and themselves) can get a bit of sleep! We look forward to seeing you all soon.

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  • Fun at the beach

    Published 08/11/17, by Admin

    Year 6 all visited the beach today and after a brisk walk down to the coatline, they happily explored the rockpools.

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  • Year 6 try their hand at archery!

    Published 08/11/17, by Admin

    Group F1 have had an action packed morning learning Archery and tackling Jacob's Ladder.

    Children showed great team work this morning when they were helping and encouraging each other during archery. It appears Anisa is an archer in the making! The group then had great fun taking on Jacob's ladder before having a well deserved lunch.

    They are currently making their way around the night line course before getting on their wellies and heading to the coast.

    The children managed to get to sleep fairly quickly last night after a busy evening of activities and karaoke. They are looking forward to their film night this evening.

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  • Year 6 climb to new heights!

    Published 08/11/17, by Admin

    Group E1 have had an action packed morning - conquering Jacob's Ladder and braving the notorious Night Line!

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  • Year 6 arrive at West Runton

    Published 07/11/17, by Admin

    Smiles all around as Year 6 see the sea!

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  • Freeze Frames

    Published 09/10/17, by Admin

    Over the last few weeks, Year 6 have been using drama to support their writing. The photos show the children reenacting the moment Zoe (the main character from our class book: Floodland) escaped the island of Norwich, having been chased by desperate gang members. 

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  • Welcome back Year 6!

    Published 06/09/17, by Admin

    Welcome back Year 6!

    The children in Year 6 have had a fantastic start back this week. They have come to school with positive attitudes: ready and excited to learn! They have already demonstrated an in-depth understanding about our topic this term. This is a testament to the research they have done over the Summer holidays.

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  • Rocket Girl Workshop

    Published 03/07/17, by Andrew Mari

    Year 6 were treated to the Rocket Girl workshop, courtesy of funding from Thomas Alleynes academy, and looked at the way in which jobs were stereotyped for either girls or boys. The children spent time discussing skills and attributes common to a range of professions then decided which gender was best suited to this type of job.

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  • Year 6 dragon boating festival

    Published 28/05/17, by Andrew Mari

    A group of Year 6 children took part in the annual Stevenage Schools Dragon Boat festival at Fairlands Valley. Having completed a short training session in the week, the team competed against a range of schools from in and around Stevenage. Despite not qualifying for the final, the team enjoyed the day, taking part in a range of other activities which includied rowing, climbing and tennis.

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  • Business and Enterprise

    Published 28/05/17, by Andrew Mari

    Year 6 have made a start on learning about business and enterprise and have started to develop the skills required to develop simple products and services that they can sell to customers. Developing designs for marshmallow towers has shown them the importance of planning out and working together as a team to achieve a target.

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