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Year 1 Blog

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  • Latest news in Year 1

    Published 29/01/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 have had an incredibly busy week this week! We have been on a rollercoaster, played in the snow on the coldest planet, cleaned up the oceans and dived into books! 

    We enjoyed a visit from the reading rangers from Mariotts School to hear us read. 

    We have been creating persuasive leaflets to encourage children to come to our ice planet and enjoy our new rides. To do this we enjoyed playing with ice bombs, using the snow machine and enjoyed a VR experience on a rollercoaster! 

    The frozen workshop was fantastic. We managed to clean up the oceans, create food for bees and recycle lots of rubbish. 

    We also explored an alien spaceship crash and wrote some incredible stories about meeting a friendly alien!

    What a wonderful couple of weeks! 

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  • The Way back home in Year 1

    Published 14/01/23, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 1 have been writing exciting space stories based on the book The Way back home. We have explored the planets with a visit from the space dome. It was fantastic to learn all about the planets and space. We started to think about whether we would go to the moon if we got the opportunity. We have also been learning our numbers to 20 and learning how to partition them into the tens and ones. In science, we are learning about materials and have been learning about waterproof materials and looking at different fabrics under a magnifying glass.

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  • Hero day in Year 1

    Published 03/12/22, by Andy Mari

    What a busy few week's year 1 have had! We had our Hero day, dressing up as doctors, nurses, vets and other people in the community we were proud to be like. Sensei Angus came to teach us Karate - we learnt how to show respect by bowing correctly, counting to 10 in Japanese and how each move in Karate can be used to defend yourself. Later in the week we had a visit from North Herts College students. They taught us what plants need to grow and took us down to the school allotment to sew some seeds and bulbs. At Roebuck we are Gardeners!

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  • Superworm!

    Published 19/11/22, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 1 began our new story in literacy, generating lots of vocabulary about the newest addition to our class - Superworm! We have watched how he moves through the soil and have even found him some new 'wormy' friends from playground. In history, we have been learning about old and new things and ordered them in a timeline.  Later we had great fun playing with marbles and exploring the old-fashioned rotary telephone. In Year 1 we are Historians!

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  • Heroes in Year 1

    Published 05/11/22, by Andy Mari

    To start our new topic on Heroes, Year 1 have been learning about the amazing athlete Florence Joyner. We have been learning how she was an American track and field athlete whose world record still stands today! Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about lots of heroes in our community and are looking forward to meeting some of them.  In maths and computing we have been learning about shapes and how to sort these into different groups. We have had lots of fun exploring activities both online and in class. 

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  • Plant detectives in Year 1

    Published 22/10/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 have begun exploring the Zones of Regulation. Jigsaw Joe helped us understand how sometimes we feel happy, sad, excited or angry and that we can ask for help if we need. We talked about what each Zone looks like and then played a game of Bingo to see if we understood which Zone each face belonged to. We also finished our Science topic on Plant Detectives by going to the allotment and planting daffodil bulbs  - hopefully they will flower in time for spring. At Roebuck we are Gardeners!

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  • Signs of Autumn in Year 1

    Published 09/10/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 have been exploring lots of the school grounds this week as we have been looking and listening for signs of Autumn. We have noticed that deciduous trees have started to change colour and that there are lots of crunchy leaves, pinecones, berries and conkers to be found. We have had great fun throwing seeds with wings - they fly like helicopters!

    In maths, we have begun exploring our number bonds to 10. First, we used our numicon to explore lots of number patterns, and then we used them to create part, part whole models.  We were able to find all the different ways to create 10 using two numbers. 

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  • Camping out in Year 1

    Published 24/09/22, by Andy Mari

    What a fantastic start Year 1 have had to our Camping Out topic. Last week local Brownie and Scouts leaders, Wren, Fox and Bluebell came to our school to teach us all about camping out. First, we helped them on a scavenger hunt through Creature Corner and found lots of interesting leaves, creatures and flowers. They then taught us how to set up a tent so we could stay warm and dry while camping. Lastly, they used the wood we had collected to make a roaring fire! As we watched the flames crackle, we sang songs and roasted lots of delicious marshmallows. At Roebuck we are Campers! 

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  • Art and D&T in Year 1

    Published 11/07/22, by Andy Mari

    What a busy week we have had in year 1 celebrating Art and DT.

    We have explored and recreated the artwork of Takashi Murakami and spent a long time using our sketch books to draw flowers in his distinctive style. We used different mediums to create colour and texture. We then used clay, to create a tile and etched a Murakami flower into it.

    Masterchef day was also a hit, making fruit smoothies by learning how to chop using the bridge method. We had so much learning about how fruits and vegetables grow and even got to wear professional chef hats. 

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  • Art in Year 1

    Published 26/06/22, by Andy Mari

    In Year 1 we have been learning about sculpture in our Art lessons. Recently we had to design our own creature, thinking about where it lived, how it travelled and what it ate. We sketched some ideas of  how we wanted it to look, and this week we used some junk modelling materials to create a 3D version of it.

    Our teachers were blown away by how amazing they were. What a creative bunch! At Roebuck we are Artists.

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  • Roarsome day at Paradise Wildlife!

    Published 11/06/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 enjoyed a "Roarsome" day at Paradise Wildlife today to kick off our Summer topic of 'Fur, Feathers and Scales'. We visited so many different animals, including Penguins, Lions, Tigers, Meercats, and ENORMOUS snakes. We even managed to find some of the animals from our Literacy book 'Wombat goes walkabout' these included the emus, wallabies and Kooaburras.

    A fantastic day was had by all!!

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  • Pirate day in Year 1

    Published 21/04/22, by Andy Mari

    Ahoy there me hearties!

    Year 1 kicked off their new topic of 'Walk the plank' with a wonderful Pirate day!

    We all came in dressed up and had a day of Design Technology. We designed, created, tested and evaluated our own pirate boats with a windmill sail. What a way to kick off the term summer term.

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