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Year 1 Blog

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  • Tasty in Year 1

    Published 12/03/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 have been exploring sense in science this term, and we had a fun lesson where we explored our sense of taste! Some brave volunteers were blindfolded and had to taste different foods and guess what they were.

    Every child then got to taste the same food and had to try to describe the taste.

    We tasted Marmite, Lemon, Vinegar, Honey and milk. 

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  • 'Burps, Bottoms and Body parts'

    Published 23/02/22, by Andy Mari

    We had a special visit from 2 nurses to launch our new topic of 'Burps, Bottoms and Body parts'

    We asked them lots of questions about their jobs and they told us about all the different places that they had worked and the different ways that they had helped people in our community.

    Some of the children in Year 1 pretended to have injured themselves, and the nurses bandaged them all up.

    What a great way to start the term.

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  • Oh No! Visit from Miss Oh No

    Published 24/01/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 received a letter from Miss Oh No saying that she would be paying them a visit... She came into school to check that we had all been learning about the 'O' grapheme. We went on an 'O' hunt around the hall, Wrote some words that included the 'O' grapheme and as a special treat, we were invited to join in with Miss Oh No's disco at the end because of our wonderful learning! What a fantastic afternoon. Year 1 are wondering who will visit us next from Monster Phonic Land?

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  • To infinity and beyond!

    Published 16/01/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 had an unbelievable start to the new term when we were visited by Space Commander Joe. Commander Joe came into Roebuck to BLAST OFF our new Space topic and enrolled us all into Space School. We learned some amazing facts about famous astronauts and all the planets.

    To infinity and beyond!

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  • Superheroes in Year 1!

    Published 06/12/21, by Andy Mari

    As part of our Superhero topic, Year 1 were visited by local Police officers. We learned lots about how they help people and how they keep us safe. We then looked at different equipment that they use and even got to try on one of the vests! They were very heavy! 

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  • North Herts Colege visit

    Published 16/11/21, by Andy Mari

    This week the Year 1 classes were invited to North Herts College to learn about plants.

    The childcare students from the college had set up a wonderful session where we were able to plant seeds, learn about the different parts of a plant, handle unusual food items that had been grown in the allotments there, and we even had a story read to us.

    A great time was had by all, and we thank NHC for having us

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  • Superhero's in Year 1

    Published 05/11/21, by Andy Mari

    As part of our Superhero topic, we have been learning about real life heroes. Today we were visited by Hertfordshire Fire service. We asked lots of questions and learned about all the different ways they help people! 

    Miss Jakeman tried on the fire kit and we all had a turn squirting the hose! It was EPIC! 

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  • Tricky witch visit

    Published 10/10/21, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 received a letter last week from Tricky Witch saying that she had turned Mrs Herbaut into a witch. She also had hidden some tricky words in Creature Corner that we had to go down and read.

    We had great fun finding and reading all of the words and marking them off on our clipboards. 

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  • Books and breakfast

    Published 25/09/21, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 enjoyed our first Books and Breakfast of the school year. SO many families and friends came to join us to share some stories and enjoy some scrumptious snacks. What a perfect ending to the week!

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  • Welcome back Year 1 classes!

    Published 10/09/21, by Andy Mari

    What a fantastic start to year 1 we've had.

    Can you believe that we discovered some paw prints on Monday morning, in our playground. We followed them and they led us all the way down to creature corner. We investigated further and discovered a BEAR in the tree holding our topic book for the week.

    We listened to the story and then built a campfire and roasted some marshmallows. We wrote all about it in our literacy lessons using some amazing adjectives.

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  • Geography week in Year 1

    Published 18/07/21, by Andy Mari

    This week year 1 enjoyed 'camping' on the school field! We were SO excited to read our books inside the tents.. some of us even pretended to have a little sleep!

    We then roasted marshmallows on the fire! We learned how to keep safe whilst camping and now lots of us would like to go with our families. For the rest of Geography week we have been learning about different types of weather.

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  • Animal art in Year 1

    Published 21/06/21, by Andy Mari

    Continuing with our animal topic, this week in Art we created our own creatures. We thought about how the animal would move, what it would eat, where it would live and many other features. We then drew a design of this before using junk modelling to make our creature come to life! 

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