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Year 1 Blog

Page 7

  • Campfire!

    Published 14/09/19, by Andy Mari

    On Wednesday, Year 1 went out and learnt how to light a fire. The children were given a safety talk about how campers might prepare to build a fire, the equipment they would need to help them do this and then they were then showed how to light one. We then cooked marshmallows on the fire and enjoyed some hot chocolate made by Mr Steedman. We are now looking forward to pitching tets with the children next week!

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  • Welcome from Elm Class

    Published 12/09/19, by Andy Mari

    Welcome to all the parents of Elm class, to our first school blog of the new school year. The children have done remarkably well settling in to their new environment and new routines. Both Mr Mari and Mr Steedman have been been really impressed by the way in which the children have taken it in their stride and really engaged in their learning this week. We have been doing lots of fun activities in Maths, when comparing numbers up to 10 and also Literacy where we have been on  "Bear hunt" around the school grounds. In addition to this we have also learnt how to build a campfire as well as enjoying Mr Steedmans lovely hot chocolate and Mr Mari's carefully roasted marshmallows.

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  • Art week

    Published 23/05/19, by Jenny Townley

    The Year 1 children have been busy this week creating some amazing fish artwork. We have developed our drawing and sketching, used water colours and explored different techniques for shading. Look forward to seeing the results!

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  • Messy Science!

    Published 08/05/19, by Jenny Townley

    We had a GREAT science lesson on Friday! Our topic is Looking at animals, and we were asked to create either a reptile or an amphibian out of clay. It was VERY messy but our models look fantastic. We cant wait to take them home.

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  • Shiver me timbers!

    Published 24/04/19, by Jenny Townley

    Oh my goodness! We came into school today to find that a pirate had left his locked treasure chest in our class. We had to follow the clues by working out the riddles which finally led us to the key.

    When we opened up the chest it was filled with gleaming shiny coins. What an exciting way to start our new topic!

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  • Bottoms, Burps and Body parts!

    Published 06/03/19, by Jade Herbaut

    Bottoms, burps and body parts!

    Year 1 children have been taste testing healthy foods this week. We are ready to design and cook a healthy dinner as part of our new topic.

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  • Space Fantastic Finish

    Published 11/02/19, by Jenny Townley

    A massive thank you to all the parents that attended the Year 1 fantastic finish for our Space topic last week. We all enjoyed a fun packed afternoon creating some amazing space crafts including rockets that blasted off into the air, alien hats and some brilliant flying saucers. The children always absolutely love these afternoons working alongside their families!

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  • Snow day!!

    Published 01/02/19, by Jenny Townley

    Wow! We woke up on the  1st of February to snow! 

    This was perfect for our science topic which is 'Winter'.

    We wrapped up warm and put on our wellies and went off to explore...

    We were so lucky to find different tracks in the snow and tried to guess which animals would have made them. We also saw a big magpie nest and watched the bird fly to and fro collecting things to make his nest warmer.

    What an exciting day!!

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  • Alien arrival?

    Published 14/01/19, by Jenny Townley

    What on Earth has happened here?

    On our first day back to school we were absolutely amazed to find a space craft had crashed into our outside area! There was green slime all over the playground, nuts and bolts scattered, and PANTS hanging from the tree.

    We went to investigate the evidence and found a letter that had been written by an alien! 

    What a shocking start to the term... hopefully if we learn enough about Space and the planets, the alien will find his way back home again!


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  • Superhero Fantastic Finish

    Published 19/11/18, by Jenny Townley

    What a 'Super' afternoon!

    We had an amazing afternoon celebrating the WOW starter for our new topic HEROES!

    We couldn't believe how many families attended and helped to make the afternoon such a success which was thoroughly enjoyed by all of our children and staff.

    Whilst Spiderman played on the big screen, we got busy with a whole host of Superhero crafts. There were shields, masks, cuffs, capes, some wonderful puppets and some colouring in! What a great way to get our children fired up for our new topic, Thanks so much for coming!

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  • Year 1 Den building extravaganza!

    Published 08/10/18, by Jenny Townley

    Den building extravaganza!!

    What do you do if you need a place to camp out but don't have tent? Build a den!!

    The Year 1 children were given different materials alongside rope, string and pegs today and asked to create their own dens to provide a stimulus for our writing topic this week. What a brilliant job they did, I'm sure you'll agree. We can't wait to read the recounts that will follow.

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  • Going on a Bear Hunt

    Published 06/09/18, by Jenny Townley

    Exploring the school ground to find a bear!

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