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Year 1 Blog

Page 8

  • Year 1 Pirate day

    Published 23/05/18, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 have had an amazing pirate day!

    Well done to all the children for coming into school dressed as a pirate. We have had a great day hunting for treasure around the school and we even had a visit from the mysterious Pirate Pete.

    Can we also say a big thank you to all the parents who came into school and got creative with the children.

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  • Traditional tales in Year 1

    Published 16/01/18, by Admin

    What an amazing start to the New Year! The children have been working very hard reading lots of different Traditional tales. I was so happy to see all the fantastic models and pictures that have been coming in relating to the children's favourite stories. 

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  • New Blog Post

    Published 01/11/17, by Admin

    Our new topic about Castles and Knights

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  • Spider visit in Maple

    Published 02/10/17, by Admin

    A visit from a spider in year 1 today! To get the children's imaginations going we had a mystery visitor who left behind a web of clues. This will help to inspire your children's writing. We can't wait to read their stories at the end of the week.

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  • Welcome back.

    Published 06/09/17, by Admin

    Welcome to Elm class! We have had a lovely start to the term and are looking forward to a great year ahead.

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  • Welcome back. 

    Published 05/09/17, by Admin

    Welcome to Maple class!

    Welcome back, we hope that you have all had a lovely summer and are ready for the new school year.

    It was lovely to see all the children looking smart in their new school uniforms and we have had a very positive start to the year.

    Thank you for all the lovely homework that we have had in so far. We are hoping to make a nice display of all the children's work, so please send it in as soon as possible.

    We look forward to getting to know all of the parents so that we can work together in partnership to best support the children.

    Mrs Jackson and Mrs Heath

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  • Aspirations Week

    Published 30/06/17, by Admin

    Year 1 have really enjoyed aspiration week and all the activities that they have been doing. The teachers have really loved hearing all about the children's dreams for the future. We had some amazing and imaginative costumes on dress up day! Pictured are Maple class in their costumes. The children also loved the assembly led by Action Jackson - we certainly will always 'dream, believe, achieve'!

    Thank you to all the parents of children in Year 1 for being so supportive with everything this week.

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  • Nature Walk

    Published 23/05/17, by Admin

    Maple class had a lovely walk to Shephalbury park to explore wild flowers linked to our science topic. We found daisy's, buttercups, bramble, ivy and a selection of mini-beasts. The children had a lovely time and were very well behaved.

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  • We're going on a bug hunt!

    Published 21/04/17, by Admin

    The children are all very excited about our new topic 'Mini-Beasts'. We introduced the topic with a bug hunt in creature corner. We used our maths skills to record this and present the data using pictograms.

    We are also busy planting and growing in the Year 1 garden area. The children are enjoying taking care of and watering the plants daily.

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  • Amazing Homework!

    Published 01/03/17, by Admin

    Well done everyone for producing some incredible homework this half term. The Year 1 teacher's are all amazed at how hard you have all worked on this.

    We have a lovely display of it in the corridor. Please have a good look on parent's evening.

    Many thanks to all parents for supporting your children with this. They are all very proud of their creations and we are very proud of them!

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  • Happy New Year!

    Published 13/01/17, by Admin

    Welcome back!

    The children have enjoyed starting our new topic about fairy tales this week. They have had the opportunity to retell and act out Snow White.

    In maths we have been learning to tell the time. We have also been learning the days of the week and months of the year.

    Please do ask your child to sing you the songs! They're great fun.

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  • Christmas in Year 1

    Published 12/12/16, by Admin
    The children are very busy getting ready for the production. Everyone is excited and cannot wait for the show to begin. Photos to follow...
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