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Year 1 Blog

Page 9

  • New Blog Post

    Published 02/12/16, by Admin

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Mini Olympics

    Published 14/10/16, by Admin

    Both Year 1 classes had a fantastic time at the Mini-olympics on Thursday. The children had the opportunity to try a variety of different types of sports including basketball, cricket and cheerleading. We were very proud of how well behaved the children were and how they all tried their best in all activities. Well done Maple and Elm classes - super sport!

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  • Settled in well to the new school year!

    Published 16/09/16, by Admin

    We are really pleased at how well both classes have settled in. The children are all working really hard for their new teachers. The children all seem to be enjoying our topic about the Farm and we have been amazed by their fantastic homework about it!

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  • End of term in Year 1

    Published 20/07/16, by Admin

    We can't believe it is almost the end of the School year!

    It has been a fantastic year in Year 1. The children have all worked so hard and have made some amazing progress. Mrs Heath and Mrs Lawson have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this class - they are so proud of all they have achieved and will really miss them all.

    The children really enjoyed their trip to Woburn and were perfectly behaved all day, well done!

    This week we have lots of things happening. This morning we enjoyed some PE activities with Year 2!

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  • Teddy Bear's Picnic

    Published 17/06/16, by Admin
    Year 1 had a lovely picnic today with their teddy bears. They have all worked so hard this week on their assessments especially their phonics screening test. We decided that they all deserved a special treat to celebrate! Well done Year 1!
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  • Year 1 Planting

    Published 24/05/16, by Admin

    Our science topic this term is to learn all about plants and what they need to grow. We took this opportunity to link this to planting our bed in the new garden area. The children enjoyed learning the names of the different flowers and helped to plant them in the Year 1 area. Now we just need to remember to water them each day!

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  • Minibeasts

    Published 27/04/16, by Juniper Education
    Year 1 are really enjoying our new topic on minibeasts. We are going to be doing lots of research on this topic using information books and the internet. We also have lots of lovely art activities planned to do and hope to spend time in Creature
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