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Year 3 Blog

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  • Local walk in Year 3

    Published 25/11/23, by Andy Mari

    This week, Year 3 went on a local walk. We followed key points on a map and identified physical and human features. We also thought about what services were important within our local area. After lots of hard work, we found our last check point... the park ! The children loved playing with their friends creating memorable special moments. At Roebuck, we are Geographers! 

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  • International day at Roebuck

    Published 11/11/23, by Andy Mari

    Year Three experienced international day this week. They visited various countries and tried amazing foods, activities and quizzes. It was a brilliant morning for all and helped our children to understand the diversity of cultures and nationalities at Roebuck. 

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  • Stone age in Year 3

    Published 14/10/23, by Andy Mari

    Year Three have been immersed in their Stone Age topic this whole half-term. What better way to end it? Make some rock cakes! We learnt key skills such as mixing wet and dry ingredients together as well as cracking an egg. 

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  • Year 3 at Celtic Harmony

    Published 24/09/23, by Andy Mari

    Our trip to Celtic Harmony camp helped us to understand what it took to survive in the Stone Age. We looked at all aspects including: hunting, gathering, cooking, keeping warm, trading, den building and more. At Roebuck we are eager beavers 

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  • Hunter gathering in Year 3.

    Published 14/09/23, by Andy Mari

    For our Stone Age topic, Year Three stepped into the life of a 'hunter gatherer' in this week's lesson. We discussed that in Stone Age times, there was an undeniable need to survive. We set off into the wilderness (the school field) to gather items that we deemed necessary and crucial to survive. It was difficult to decide which items would have benefitted us during this time period and which were deemed unnecessary.

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  • Teamwork in Year 3

    Published 11/07/23, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 3 showcased their fantastic teamwork whilst taking part in sports day. Everyone took part in a range of sporting activities such as penalty shoot-out, Quidditch, relay races and obstacle course. Every member of Pear and Cherry showed resilience, a great sense of teamwork and determination to do their best for their team! Once the races were over, everyone enjoyed a sharing lunch with their adult's. Thank you to all those that made it to cheer the children on.  At Roebuck, we work as a team!  

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  • Wolves in the Walls in Year 3

    Published 25/06/23, by Andy Mari

    This week in Pear and Cherry, the children have been working hard on their independent writes based on the text 'Wolves in the Walls'. They used plot points to plan their narrative and promised a lens for each paragraph. Miss O'Reilly and Miss Taylor were blown away by their finish pieces. At Roebuck, we are authors! 

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  • Suspense stories in Year 3

    Published 11/06/23, by Andy Mari

    Year Three have been writing spooky suspense stories in their Literacy week. Our story has begun with something hiding inside the walls. To get into the mindset of a scary story, our experience day allowed us to feel the emotions of our character, Lucy, in the story. We noticed our heart rates raised and pulsed significantly when being scared. 

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  • Action Mats in year 3

    Published 22/04/23, by Andy Mari

    Wow, what a busy start to the Summer term. This week we have delved into our new topics of Rocks, Tudors and our new Literacy writing of a Twisted Tale. We have also had the opportunity to take part in some additional PE. We thoroughly enjoyed working on our fitness during ‘Action Matz’ as well as working in teams. We had to communicate, show resilience and most of all have fun! At Roebuck we try our best in all areas of our learning! 

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  • Gardening in Year 3

    Published 24/03/23, by Andy Mari

    Y3 have been working in their outdoor skills this week and were joined by students from North Hertfordshire College. We spent some time outdoors in the fresh air gardening, planting and learning about plants. This has been a great introduction into our Science topic next term. 

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  • Year 3 attend musical workshops

    Published 10/03/23, by Andy Mari

    This week, Year 3 have been developing their musical talents. We rocked out and sang 'Don't stop believing'. Then we added in the additional challenge of playing the glockenspiels focusing on the notes F G A.  Later on in the week, we had the opportunity to take part in a musical workshop with students from the University of Hertfordshire. We learnt songs about the different continents of the world. We enjoyed learning new songs and putting a sequence of dance moves together and then sharing this within a whole school performance. 

    At Roebuck, we are musicians 🎶

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  • Cooking in Year 3

    Published 25/02/23, by Andy Mari

    To kick start off the half term, Year 3 took on the challenge to make pizza. They had to use a range of cooking skills such as; rolling, grating, spreading and chopping . The children read and followed instructions very closely. At Roebuck we are fantastic chefs! 

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