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Year 3 Blog

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  • Team work in Year 3!

    Published 12/02/23, by Andy Mari

    This week in PSHE Year 3 have been working on their communication, team work and collaboration skills. They were given the task to create a garden for someone who truly needs it. They had a strict budget to stick and had to ensure everyone was happy with their choices! Some children then presented their garden's to the class. At Roebuck, we work as a team! Team work makes the dream work!.

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  • Ruthless Romans in Year 3

    Published 28/01/23, by Andy Mari

    Year Three were fortunate enough to step into the times of the Ruthless Romans last week. We enjoyed an immersive day of learning about Roman battle armour where we even got to try some on and handle it up close. Then, we planned, designed and decorated traditional shields inspired by Roman mosaics and patterns. In the afternoon, we tasted Roman food such as: olives, cheese, grapes and bread (peacock brains were not on the menu unfortunately). As well this, we experienced what it was like to create the ‘tortoise’ formation in the battlefield, our team work and sticking together protected us well from flying objects and battle opponents. 

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  • Rock detectives in Year 3

    Published 14/01/23, by Andy Mari

    Year Three are rock detectives and have been working hard this week. We began our learning by analysing many different types of rocks and categorising them based on their properties. To extend our learning further, we used magnifying glasses to take a closer look. Finally, we undertook observational drawings to capture our scientific enquiry and drew detailed and labelled diagrams.

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  • Long Division in Year 3

    Published 17/12/22, by Andy Mari

    We are mathematicians! In Year 3, we have been working very hard on long division. We have had to use our known facts to help us divide. To remind us of our times tables we have enjoyed playing lots of interactive games with our friends. Year 3 the developed our known facts even further by using manipulatives to find reminders. What superstars we are! 

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  • Art inspirations in Year 3

    Published 03/12/22, by Andy Mari

    In Year 3 we are artists! We studied the artists Maud Purdy and Max Ernst and took inspiration for our own floral frottage pieces of art. We used a range of textures to create rubbings and identified what textures and patterns each material made. We then used the rubbings to create a botanical piece of art. 

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  • Coding in Year 3

    Published 19/11/22, by Andy Mari

    In Year 3, we are computer coders! We have been working very hard to create a set of commands using flowcharts and computing software in. We have used our skills to debug and fix different commands. We have shown great resilience and problem-solving skills during this computing unit! We can't wait to continue our learning on coding and see what else we can create! 

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  • Year 3 in the Stone Age

    Published 07/10/22, by Andy Mari

    Year Three travelled back in time last week and stepped into The Stone Age. On our trip to Celtic Harmony we engaged in various activities such as trading and bartering, hunting and weaponry, fire-making and lots more. We thoroughly enjoyed our day out of the classroom and this has inspired us to want to learn more about History around us. One pupil said "I wish I could go on a school trip every day!" and another that "I didn't want to come home!".


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  • Circus skills workshop

    Published 24/09/22, by Andy Mari

    This week, Year 3 had the opportunity to take part in a very exciting workshop. Everyone tried to learn and perfect circus skills. All the children showed fantastic resilience within the workshop as some skills were tricky to learn. They loved learning and working with their peers and showed great teamwork when supporting each other to keep going. DREAM, BELIEVE AND ACHIEVE! 

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  • Welcome to Year 3

    Published 11/09/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 3 have been settling into their new surroundings this week including exploring the book corner, trying out laptops for the first time and working hard in all areas of their learning. We have even been writing some instructions on how we can wash a woolly mammoth and working with numbers up to 10,000. At Roebuck, we are resilient learners!


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  • Masterchef in Year 3

    Published 07/07/22, by Andy Mari

    On Thursday, we spent the day as Master chefs, where we took on the task of designing, making, tasting and evaluating our own seasonal tarts. We had to use specific skills, such as grating, chopping and slicing to help us. 

    In science, we continued our unit on plants. We explored what happens to water and carried out an experiment with celery to see the process for ourselves. Can you ask your child, “What happened to the celery and why?” 

    In English, we finished our sentence stacking about a flood. We enjoyed using personification to describe the monstrous storm. Can you ask your child, “How could you describe the storm?”  

    In maths, we have discovered and practiced two strategies for mental addition. Can you ask your child, “Can you show me how to work out 34+68 using mental methods?” 

    In art, we drew and coloured in sunflowers that were inspired by Yayoi Kusuma.  

    Well done for another fantastic week! 

    Mrs Norman and Miss Whitfield  

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  • Lavish London

    Published 26/06/22, by Andy Mari

    Last Monday, we went on a trip to London. On our trip, we got to view all of the incredible sights, whilst riding on the London Eye and taking a journey along the River Thames. It was a fantastic trip and we learnt lots that will help us with our topic, about Europe.   

    In science, we continued our unit on plants. We delved into the purpose of leaves and explored their features. Can you ask your child, “How do leaves help plants survive?” 

    In English, we wrote a holiday brochure, using previously taught skills, to convince people to book a city break to London. We used our first-hand experience of London, from our trip, and computer research to help us plan and write. Can you ask your child, “Why would you want to visit London?”  

    In maths, we have been revisiting our learning about long division. Can you ask your child, “Can you show me how to use long division to work out 186 divided by 4?” 

    In art, we carried out observational drawings of sunflowers, in preparation for our later outcome in Art and Design week.  

    We are so proud of how the children behaved on the trip to London and during sports day. A massive well done! 

    Mrs Norman and Miss Whitfield  

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  • Sicily Here We Come!

    Published 08/06/22, by Andy Mari

    In science, we began our new unit on plants. We reminded ourselves about the parts of a plant and their functions. Can you ask your child, “Can you tell me about a part of a plant and its function?” 

    In English, we are writing a holiday brochure to encourage people to travel to Sicily. To learn more about what Sicily has to offer, we went on a ‘plane’ to see it for ourselves. Within this experience, we listened to Italian music, drooled over scrumptious food, visited the ruins and bathed in the warm sun. Can you ask your child, “What features do holiday brochures have? Why would you want to visit Sicily?”  

    In maths, we have been understanding how to find the area and perimeter of shapes. We have also been learning how to use short methods to identify the area of a rectangle.  Can you ask your child, “How do you find the perimeter and area of a shape?” 

    In art, we have been exploring an artist called Yosia Kusama, where we created a double page spread displaying the patterns, colours and pumpkins that she regularly uses within her work. 

    Before half term, we wrote recipes and used them to bake our own rock cakes, which we ate and evaluated. They were delicious!  

    Well done for a fantastic first week back! 

    Mrs Norman and Miss Whitfield  

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