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Year 3 Blog

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  • Wormy Spaghetti

    Published 22/05/22, by Andy Mari

    In science, we explored shadows. We discussed what they are and how they are formed before using our findings to create our own outside. Can you ask your child, “Can you explain where a shadow would form and why?” 

    In English, we finished writing the narrative called ‘The Happy Prince’, by Oscar Wilde. Within this, we wrote a diary entry from The Little Match Girl using adverbials of time and expanded noun phrases. Additionally, we got to experience how Mr Twit felt when Mrs Norman and Miss Whitfield decided to ‘consume’ spaghetti that was wriggling with real worms. We are looking forward to answering lots of questions about the text ‘Wormy Spaghetti’ in our guided reading. Can you ask your child, “What features do diary entries have? What is a relative clause?”  

    In maths, we have been understanding what perpendicular and parallel lines are and have been searching for them around school.  Can you ask your child, “What perpendicular and parallel lines can you see and how do you know?” 

    In DT, we continued to practise our sewing techniques by sewing our felt animal onto our cushion covers. We are looking forward to finishing these next week! 

    Well done for working super hard– keep it up! 

    Mrs Norman and Miss Whitfield  

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  • Let's reflect

    Published 04/05/22, by Andy Mari

    In science, we explored the importance of reflective clothing and used our findings, about what materials and colours are best, to design a poster about how to stay safe and be seen in the dark. Then, we spent time looking at mirrors and their reflections. Can you ask your child, “Is everything in a flat mirror back to front?” 

    In English, we have begun to write a narrative together based on a story called ‘The Happy Prince’, by Oscar Wilde. Within this, we have spent time looking at how to set the scene at the beginning of a story and how we can use figurative language and description to engage the reader throughout. Can you ask your child, “What happens in The Happy Prince and what do you think the moral of the story is?”  

    In maths, we have finished our learning on time (please keep practicing telling the time at every opportunity you get!) and have started to explore angles. Can you ask your child, “Can you find something that has a right angle on it?” 

    In history, we delved into the life of Henry VIII and his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. We used adjectives to describe him and discussed the reasons behind his divorce to his first wife. Can you ask your child, “Why did Henry VIII want a divorce from Catherine of Aragon?” 

    In DT, we practised our sewing techniques by doing a cross-stitch, which will help us when we stitch designs into our own pillowcases at the end of term. 

    We have also had an active week because we took part in dance, Fit Kids and Clubercise lessons. 

    Well done for a fantastic few weeks – keep up the hard work! 

    Mrs Norman and Miss Whitfield  

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  • Are There Wolves in Your Walls?

    Published 24/04/22, by Andy Mari

    In science, we have begun our learning about light and shadow. Can you ask your child, “What is a source of light?” 

    In English, we have been reading ‘Wolves in The Walls’ by Neil Gaiman. Today, as part of our experience lesson we took on the role of one of the characters to empathise with her fear. We made the classroom dark, played spooky sounds and pretended to be in bed which helped us collect lots of ideas and vocabulary for describing fear. Can you ask your child, “Use show not tell to describe how they feel?”  

    In maths, we have continued our work on telling the time. We have been telling the time to the nearest minute and recording this as analogue and digital times. Can you ask your child, “What time is it?” 

    In history, we have introduced Henry V111 and started learning about his six wives. Can you ask your child, “What were they called? Can you tell me a fact about each of them?” 

    Well done for an amazing first week! 

    Mrs Norman and Miss Whitfield  

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  • We Got a Shock!

    Published 27/03/22, by Andy Mari

    In science, we explored lots of unique plants. Then, individually or with a partner we grew to the challenge of designing and making our own plant, using nothing but four sheets of paper. Check out the pictures of our amazing outcomes! 

    In English, we have been writing a non-fiction report about earthquakes. Can you ask your child, “Can you give me an example of a fronted adverbial and another synonym for destroyed?”  

    In maths, we have continued our work on fractions. We have been adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators. Can you ask your child, “What method can we use to find an equivalent fraction with the same denominator?” 

    In geography, we were shocked when we learnt all about tectonic plates and their movements. We used delicious Oreos to demonstrate the three types of movement. Can you ask your child, “What are the three movements called? Can you tell me what the effect of each movement is on our Earth?” 

    We also practiced our shading techniques by ensuring that we shaded in the same direction and used different pressures to create dark and light tones. 

    Well done for working so hard – keep it up! 

    Miss Wildgoose and Miss Whitfield  

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  • What a ‘Mantle’ Week!

    Published 09/03/22, by Andy Mari

    In science, we explored fossil formation. Can you ask your child, “Are dinosaurs real? Prove it!”

    In English, we finished our newspaper reports about the destruction of Pompeii and began to explore the features of a non-chronological report (fact file). Can you ask your child, “What’s the purpose of a non-chronological report? Why is there a hook?”

    In maths, we have continued our work on fractions. We have been looking at ways to find equivalent and simplified fractions. Can you ask your child, “What does equivalent mean? Can you tell me how we can find an equivalent fraction?”

    In geography, we delved deep into the structure of the Earth. We made our own Earth’s and cut them down the middle to show the layers. Can you ask your child, “What are the four layers called? Can you tell me a fact about each layer?”

    We also finished our incredible, pop art inspired prints of volcanoes that we created with an amazing artist, who visited our school, called Amanda.

    Well done, Year 3!

    Miss Wildgoose and Miss Whitfield

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  • What a blast!

    Published 23/02/22, by Andy Mari

    This half term has started with a bang as we began our new topic called, “Shakes, Shocks and Hotspots”.  

    In science, we continued our learning about rocks and focused on soil permeability. Can you ask your child, “What part do rocks play in forming soil?” 

    In English, we identified features of newspaper reports and created our own eye-catching headlines. Additionally, we pretended to be people from Pompeii and interviewed each other to get eye-witness statements, to include in our own reports. Can you ask your child, “What are the features of a newspaper report?”  

    In maths, we have been exploring fractions and have started to compare and order them. Can you ask your child, “What is the number called at the top and on the bottom?”  

    In geography, we have talked about what volcanoes are and have identified where they are in our world. We have focused on Vesuvius and the tragedy of Pompeii, in 79AD, to help us with our English unit. 

    Well done for a great start back! 

    Miss Wildgoose and Miss Whitfield  


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  • This week in Year 3

    Published 24/01/22, by Andy Mari

    What an exciting week we have had in Year 3! 

    In science, we became explorers and went on a walk around our school grounds to identify different rock types. We then discussed their properties and matched these to their purpose. Can you ask your child, “What properties does slate have and why would it be good as a roof tile?” 

    In English, we independently wrote our own diary entries and have started to delve into the alternative fairy tale for ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Can you ask your child, “Why was the Big Bad Wolf misunderstood?”  

    In maths, we finished our unit on money and are now looking at units of measure. Specifically focusing on length, volume and mass. Can you ask your child, “How many centimetres are there in 3 metres?”  

    In history, we hot seated a Roman, Celt and Boudicca to ask questions to find out more about their different viewpoints.  

    Well done for another fantastic week! 

    Miss Wildgoose and Miss Whitfield  

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  • New Year - New Investigations

    Published 12/01/22, by Cressida Whitfield

    We are delighted with the start that Year 3 have made to the new term. We've started to find out about the Romans and how they conquered Britain. Ask your child, "What is the difference between a settler and invader?"

    Also, we have begun our exciting science unit all about rocks and soil. We have handled lots of different types of rock and discovered how different their properties can be. Ask your child, "What rocks can you find on your way to school and what properties do they have?"

    In English, we are exploring the features of a diary and will be writing our own diary entries based on the Romans.

    Well done for a fantastic start!

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  • Moving Monsters

    Published 01/12/21, by Admin

    Over the last couple of weeks, Year 3 have been designing and beginning to create a Moving Monster. 

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  • The Blue Umbrella in Year 4

    Published 17/11/21, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 3 have started an exciting new unit in Literacy called 'The Blue Umbrella'. It is set in the rainy streets of New York City. The children worked in groups to create a soundscape using instruments, their body and voices. They generated some incredible vocabulary to support them in their writing. 

    Last week, Y3 also went on a local walk and used maps to identify human and physical features in their environment. Some children followed the route on their map, whilst others drew the route as they went. Behaviour was exceptional and everyone had a great time using lots of geographical skills! The children also loved playing at the park!!

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  • Lights, Camera, Freeze Frame

    Published 03/11/21, by Admin

    This week, Year 3 have been using drama to inspire their writing.

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  • Terrific Typists!

    Published 20/10/21, by Admin

    This week, Year 3 have been practising their touch-typing skills!

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