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Year 3 Blog

Page 8

  • Divide and Conquer!

    Published 22/05/19, by Cressida Whitfield

    In Maths, we have been starting to learn to use the formal method to divide. We used manipulatives to help us with our learning so that we were dividing practically by sharing. We used our cups to show our understanding. 

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  • Guess what we're doing in Art?

    Published 16/05/19, by Cressida Whitfield

    In Art, we have started our learning journey into creating something relating to our topic. Can you guess what we're making? 

    We have been sketching, designing and painting to create the first step into our Art journey.

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  • Ruthless Romans

    Published 07/05/19, by Cressida Whitfield

    We are very excited about our new topic on the Romans! 

    We have started learning about the Celts and this week we find our about Julius Caesar coming to Britannia!

    We are also pleased to say that we will be visited by a theatre company to perform a play about the Romans. The children will also take part in workshops. 

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  • Science Workshop

    Published 14/03/19, by Cressida Whitfield

    Pear and Cherry were completely engrossed in the Science experiments on Wednesday. We explored materials and their properties and learnt about solids, liquids and gases. We had four stations which had different experiments on. The first one was called Chromatography where we discovered the different colours used to make a felt tip pen. Our second station involved making a lava lamp. We used water, oil and salt to make this. We were amazed by this! Our third station involved us finding out which materials were the strongest. Our final challenge station involved blowing up a balloon without using our mouths. We used bicarbonate of soda and vinegar which created a gas when mixed! We had the best time and learnt a lot! 

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  • Take One Book- Escape From Pompeii

    Published 05/03/19, by Cressida Whitfield

    For our English topic, we have been reading 'Escape From Pompeii' by Christina Balit. This book is about two children who try to flee from Pompeii. This book has given us a fantastic opportunity to write descriptively and incorporated show not tell that we have been learning over the previous Fridays. It has also made us more engaged in our topic as this focuses on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. We have written diaries and setting descriptions, This week, we are going to be re-telling the story of Traino and Livia and try to magpie the authors style of writing. We have been enjoying this book and cannot wait to show you what we have written. 

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  • Year 3 Composers

    Published 24/01/19, by Cressida Whitfield

    Pear and Cherry class were very lucky to have the opportunity to compose their own song this week. We created lyrics and we had our very own songwriter who performed her own composition as well as helping us write our song.  It was fantastic learning and more importantly, we all had fun!

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  • WOW start making lava rocks

    Published 24/01/19, by Cressida Whitfield
    In Year 3, we have made a great start to learning in our new topic, 'Shakes, Shocks and Hotspots'. For our 'WOW' start, we decided to make lava rocks out of newspaper and modroc. We painted them in the correct colours to add to o
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  • Looking at WW1 artefacts

    Published 19/11/18, by Cressida Whitfield

    The children in Year 3 got the chance to find out about, handle and try on, different objects from World War 1. 

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  • Year 3 fantastic finish

    Published 19/11/18, by Cressida Whitfield

    Year 3 Fantastic Finish was a great success. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed different activities based on our themed week 'World Wars'. Thank you to all of the parents and carers for attending and for joining in with the children. 

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  • Welcome to Year Three!

    Published 19/09/18, by Andy Mari

    Welcome to Year 3. The children in Cherry Class and Pear Class have settled in well and are looking forward to all the learning this year. 

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  • A Morning of Sports for Year 3

    Published 01/05/18, by Cressida Whitfield

    Year 3 really enjoyed taking part in a range of sporting activities run by BTEC students from North Herts College. It was lovely to see the children following advice and pushing themselves in order to increase their skills. They took part in various basketball and football activities as well as a range of running games,                                                                                                                                                                     I was particularly impressed by their team spirit and in the way they supported and encouraged each other. The students' tutor also complimented the whole class on their behaviour, enthusiasm and hard work. Luckily, the weather was also on our side!

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  • Eruptions in Year 3

    Published 01/02/18, by Cressida Whitfield

    It has been an exciting half-term in Year 3. We are enjoying learning about volcanoes and we are now becoming vulcanologists. We are also learning about different types of rocks and like using the magnifying lenses to study our rock display.                                                                                                                   Also, we have been very active. We have really enjoyed our gymnastics lessons with our Rising Stars teacher. We can perform the ten basic gymnastics shapes and have learnt how to keep our balance while travelling and jumping. We have been doing the daily mile and learning how to pace ourselves in order to improve the number of laps we do in 15 minutes.

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