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Year 3 Blog

Page 9

  • Scary Skeletons

    Published 06/11/17, by Cressida Whitfield

    Year 3 went above and beyond this half term holiday with their home learning project.

    They were asked to be creative with their learning whilst finding out about the human skeleton. Some decided to produce a skeleton and label the different parts while others wrote facts about bones. The 3D skeletons that were brought in were very impressive.

    The children were particulary excited with their new classmate although he probably needs a few more school dinners!


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  • Welcome back Year 3

    Published 07/09/17, by Cressida Whitfield

    Welcome to the new Year 3 - don't they look smart.                                                                                             The children have made a brilliant start to the new school year and quickly adapted to the new routines in Key Stage 2.                                                                                                                                                           We have started our topic, Sticks, Stones and Ancient Bones, in order to prepare for our Class trip on Monday 18th September. We have some excellent work on Stonehenge from the Summer Holiday project.                                                                                                                                                                                           We have also started to learn French and the children have already been able to have short conversations to meet and greet each other.

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  • Polish morning

    Published 03/07/17, by Admin

    On Friday, Year 3 got to learn lots about Poland to help us understand more about the different cultures we have in Britain and our school. The morning was so much fun and we all learned lots about the country, language and customs. A huge thank you to Zuzanna's mum and Jo who brought in some delicious Polish food which we all tried and enjoyed (to varying degrees) and for organising the morning. 

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  • Fun filled June...

    Published 28/06/17, by Admin

    Year 3 performed their Fantastic Finish this month. They wrote the scenes they acted out themselves and did a great job performing their song. A big thank you to all those who came to watch, the chidlren love having you there. This week has been our themed 'Aspiration Week'. The class have focussed on goals for the future and have reflected on how far they have come since the start of Year 3 - looking back at pictures from September makes them look so much more grown up now! They thoroughly enjoyed the parent talks on Monday and were very interested in those careers. We then published our own job adverts and wrote an application letter for our dream job which we also dressed up as.

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  • Stone Age art

    Published 26/05/17, by Admin

    Year 3 have been busy learning more about the Stone Age and Bronze age. We have worked with clay to create pots and necklaces like they would have used in the Stone Age. Then we learned more about Stone Henge and how it was built. Using different shades of paint and silhouettes, we made artwork to show Stone Henge during sunrise or in moonlight. We look forward to sharing more of our learning at our fantastic finish on the 19th June. 

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  • Stunning Start

    Published 21/04/17, by Admin

    On Wednesday, we started our new topic with a visit to Celtic Harmony Camp so we could experience Stone Age life. Throughout the day, the children tried out hunting and gathering, spear throwing, making an arrow head out of soap, den building and trading. The children (and adults!) had a fantastic time and learned so much.

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  • Themed Week

    Published 09/03/17, by Admin

    During themed week, a Lost Thing appeared in Year 3! We based our learning on a book by Shaun Tan called ‘The Lost Thing’. Throughout the week, Year 3 created haiku poems, designed their own Lost Thing and wrote descriptions about the Lost World. As the illustration of the Lost World is quite surreal, we looked at art work by Salvador Dali and re-created his ‘Elephants’ painting with our own animal and colour choices.    

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  • Stunning Start

    Published 19/01/17, by Admin

    To start our new topic ‘Shakes, Shocks and Hotspots’, we had a fun filled morning of earthquake and volcano based activities. This started with an ‘earthquake’ in the classroom! As a class, we created a fabulous piece of volcano art. We also tried to make different model building that would withstand a jelly earthquake – some were more successful than others! To finish, we learned a song all about volcanoes which helped us remember the parts and how they erupt. It was a great morning that we all really enjoyed.

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  • Money bags

    Published 19/12/16, by Admin

    To finish off our topic on Ruthless Romans, Year 3 have been busy making our own Roman money bags. We looked at some original Roman designs to come up with the criteria our bags would need to meet, then we designed our own drawstring bag. The children all sewed their own bags with some great needle control being shown and threaded the wool through the top. Now they are ready to keep the coins we designed nice and safe. A big thank you to the parent helpers who came in, the children really enjoyed working with you. 

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  • Through the keyhole...

    Published 06/12/16, by Admin

    During Theme Week, Year 3 create some fabulous artwork. We used partner feedback to draw an eye, making small improvements each time. The end results were much more realistic than our starting points! Then we though about what we might see if we peered through the keyhole into the dens we discovered and drew this on the other side.

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  • Exploring shape

    Published 21/10/16, by Admin

    Over the past 2 weeks, Year 3 have been digging deeper into the properties of shapes. We have learned lots of new vocabulary and applied our knowledge in different situations. The children enjoyed challenges of making different right angles, sorting shapes and making shapes with specific properties on the geoboards. 

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  • A Super Start...

    Published 16/09/16, by Admin

    Year 3 have done well getting used to all the new routines in Key Stage 2. We started as we mean to go on with our school awards - last week we won the attendance award and this week Henry the Hoover! We want to win the reading challenge too so keep trying to read at home as much as possible.

    We have now completed ‘Boot Camp’ during which we revised skills already learned in Maths and Literacy. As part of our topic on ‘Ruthless Romans’ we studied Roman artefacts, thinking about which objects they may have come from and what they might have been used for. Some of these were more difficult to work out than others, for example an oil lamp which looked a lot like a large spoon!

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