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Year 2 Blog

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  • Black History month in Year 2

    Published 15/10/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have enjoyed celebrating Black History Month. We learned about Leyland Melvin and created a biography about him. We even dressed up as an astronaut! We enjoyed learning about other significant people in History, including Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. We sang songs and learned about the importance of Black History Month. We finished off our week by creating placards! 

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  • The owl who was afraid of the dark.

    Published 27/09/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a fantastic few weeks exploring and writing their own stories, based on 'The owl who was afraid of the dark'. We had a camp fire, where we roasted marshmallows, sang songs and played some games. It was so much fun! This week we have planned and written our own story, based on the book. We have changed the character and what they are scared of. We have been amazed by the children's creative ideas. In Birch class, one child wrote about a shark that was scared of the water and in Pine class, a child wrote about a cat who was scared of mice. 

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  • Maths- No Problem!

    Published 14/09/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have really enjoyed their first two weeks back at school, and they have been working very hard, especially in Maths. We have been enjoying the new Maths No Problem scheme and have been working together to explore different problems. We have focussed on place value, and it has been wonderful to see the children representing numbers in different ways! At Roebuck, we are Mathematicians

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  • Den building in Year 2

    Published 08/07/23, by Andy Mari

    This week Y2 started their final Literacy topic called How to Make a Bird Feeder which is about reading, writing and following instructions. Today's instructions were How to Make a Den! The children had great fun making dens and then getting comfy and reading a book in them. At Roebuck we are den builders. 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 11/06/23, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 2 began their new Literacy topic of The Marvellous, Fluffy, Squishy, Itty-Bitty. The first lesson they thought about people they care about and how they could show it. Next they decorated a cake and wrote a note for that person. In the third lesson of the week it was time for another experience day where they watched a behind the scenes video of a bakery, discussed what you could buy there and then came the best bit- trying some of the foods. They finished this week with a Monster Phonics Day when they dressed up as, or in the colours of one of the monsters and they attended a workshop with Mrs Herbaut to play lots of phonics games. What a busy, but fun week!  

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  • History makers

    Published 12/05/23, by Andy Mari

    On Friday 5th Y2 celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III by making crowns in the morning and having a "street party" in the afternoon. It was lovely to celebrate together with eating, talking and dancing. At Roebuck we are celebrating being a part of history! 

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  • Year 2 at the Tower of London.

    Published 22/04/23, by Andy Mari

    On Tuesday 18th April Year 2 went to the Tower of London. They visited the tower as an exciting start to their new History topic, which is all about kings and queens. They were able to learn about how the tower has been used as a palace, a fortress and a prison by walking around in their groups. They did a workshop where they learned about being a knight, including what dancing was like in the 1300s. They also worked together to protect the "Crown Jewels." At Roebuck we are historians! 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 15/04/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have been enjoying their art unit this half term. They have been improving their drawing and painting skills through a range of tasks. They have done some weaving, looked at the work of Clarice Cliff and Nancy McCroskey and created their own versions of these artist's work. Currently they are in the middle of painting rollercoasters. At Roebuck we are artists! 

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  • Fantastic finish in Year 2

    Published 10/03/23, by Andy Mari

    On Wednesday 1st March Year 2 held their Fantastic Finishes workshop. Children enjoyed showing their parents and carers what they had been learning about in Geography last half term. The children carried out a variety of arts and crafts such as making lanterns, origami animals, lucky envelopes and Chinese writing and numbers. At Roebuck we are geographers!

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  • Poetry in Year 2

    Published 25/02/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have begun a new topic in Literacy called If I Were in Charge of the World. We started the week with find a shape where we had to match up the different parts of the poem to the description of it. We've also had a go at reading and comparing two different poems. We had lots of ideas of what we would do if we were in charge of the world! At Roebuck we are poets. 

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  • Times tables in Year 2.

    Published 12/02/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have been working hard in maths on their 2,3, 5 and 10 times tables. They've been using a variety of methods to answer multiplication questions including skip counting, dotty paper and using arrays to recognise that multiplication is commutative. They've really enjoyed trying to beat the number of questions they can answer on Hit the Button on the topmarks website! At Roebuck we are mathematicians. 

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  • Busy week in Year 2

    Published 28/01/23, by Andy Mari

    In Literacy this week we started our new topic of The Magic Paintbrush, which links with our topic of China. We watched a video and looked at pictures of Chinese flowers, boats, buildings, animals of the zodiac and some Chinese writing. Next we tried to recreate these pictures in our “sand” just like Shen did in the story.

    We were also able to take part in Herts College Frozen workshop. We took part in some activities which were looking at helping develop our awareness of recycling and ecology.

    At Roebuck We are creative. 

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