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Year 2 Blog

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  • Train Driver in Year 2

    Published 24/03/22, by Andy Mari

    What a busy few weeks in Year 2 - the sun is shining; spring is here and we are getting ready for the Summer. With the help of Students from North Herts college we went down to the school allotments and helped cleared the ground and planted some vegetables ready for next terms science topic 'How Things Grow'. It was a lovely sunny day, so we didn't mind being out and getting our hands muddy!

    In year 2 we are learning to be train drivers! Mr McGrath is a real train driver who came to tell us all about what he does in his role. He even let us sit the train driver 'test' so we could see if we would be able to do his job. He showed us lots of training videos so we could learn different routes cross England, while explaining to us what all the controls in the cabin did. 

    In maths, we have been learning to tell the time. Counting in 5's along the numerals and understanding the difference between the minute and hour hand. Why not challenge us at home to see if we can tell you the time!

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 12/03/22, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 2 had the pleasure of a visitor called Phil from the RNLI. Our topic this half term is ‘Journeys’ and it was brilliant to hear about some facts and see some flags that the RNLI use to keep everybody safe when they visit the seaside. He mentioned the story of Grace Darling and how brave she was saving people from the sea, which is where our next Literacy unit links very well to the RNLI. Thank you for visiting us.

    We had our ‘Books and Blankets’ morning on Monday. It was lovely to see so many children and adults reading together. Thank you to all that came. We look forward to the next event, whenever that can be!

    Last Friday for World Book Day, Year 2 took inspiration from Dr Suess’ and decided to make Green Eggs and Ham. We wrote some instructions about how we could make these in the morning and then lots of brave children tried them that afternoon after making them. It was brilliant to see everyone dressed up and immersing themselves in the essence of the day.

    In Maths, we have been learning about Money. Recognising the value of different coins and notes. We even played shopkeepers to buy items from each other.

    Elsewhere, we have started to build our own Ferris Wheels in DT and in science are continuing to understand materials and how they are used.

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  • The Marvellous, Squishy Itty Bitty

    Published 26/02/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a delicious, scrumptious and marvellous start to this half-term! We have started our new literacy book, The Marvellous, Squishy Itty Bitty and have been following Eddie on her journey round the village to find her mum a gift. One of her first stops is the local bakery so we decided the best way to immerse ourselves in the experience was to eat lots of crumbly, flaky crispy pastries ourselves!

    We have begun our new topic ‘Journeys’ and have begun learning how George Stevenson was considered the 'father of the railways' with his invention of the Steam Engine. This half-term we will be creating a timeline of his career to better understand how his invention affected how we travel today.

    Also, this week we were lucky to receive a visit from a real artist. She taught us a printing technique using polystyrene to create prints of the Great Fire of London -they looked sensational!

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  • Year 2 news.

    Published 30/01/22, by Andy Mari

    There seems to be a really good buzz in Year 2 at the moment. In Literacy, we created some wonderful stories based on the book we were focusing on called “The Magic Paintbrush’. We are all authors in Year 2!

    We are now focusing on a non-chronological report about Singapore. We will then take our understanding of how they are written and write our own about China in the coming weeks. To prepare us for this we managed to face time one of Mrs Renouf’s old colleagues who lives in Singapore to tell us all about the food, animals and way of living out there.

    In Maths, we have completed our Unit on Multiplication and Division. We have since looked at the 2-x table, and we have started to focus on the 3-x table this week.

    In Science, we have continued to learn more about ‘Growing Up’. We have been really enjoying this topic and was great to see so many photos of everyone as babies and the changes that have happened to us……. though many of us still look exactly the same!

    We have all made our Chinese money pouches, and it was great to see the children develop these sewing skills.

    Elsewhere, we have continued looking at Dreams and Goals and how we can start to achieve these in PSHE, and we have been developing our Gymnastics skills in PE.

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  • Year 2 post

    Published 16/01/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 has felt a really exciting place since we have come back from the Christmas break. We have a new topic, ‘Lets go to China’ and the children have been so engaged with all that they have been learning so far. Year 2 have been busy researching where China is, some of the key landmarks and starting to look at some cultural aspects of the country.

    In Literacy we are looking at a book that is also linked to China and we can’t wait to read the children’s stories when they write theirs up next week. We started our unit by drawing Chinese numbers in some sand.

    In Maths, we have started a new Unit on Multiplication and Division and the children have been working really hard recognising the differences and strategies used to be able to work these problems out.

    In Science our new topic is ‘Growing Up’. In the coming weeks we will be investigating how and what changes are made to our bodies from being a baby, until we grow up into adults.

    We have also been busy learning how to complete and running stitch in our Design and Technology lessons. We will be making Chinese money pouches using our new skills that we have learnt.

    Elsewhere, we have started looking at our Dreams and Goals and how we can start to achieve these in PSHE. We have been developing skills in PE in Gymnastics and in Computing we have started looking at different Questioning strategies that can be used.

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  • Year 2 Christmas Journey

    Published 06/12/21, by Andy Mari

    Christmas has arrived in Year 2! We have begun our new story Meerkat Christmas and are following Sunny on his journey around the world in search of the perfect Christmas! We have been learning about the birth of Jesus in RE and were lucky enough to be invited to St Peters Church where we met the characters from the Christmas story. Reverend Kate took us on a journey around the church to meet the Shepherds, the Three Wise Men, Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus himself!


    In science this term we have been exploring habitats, understanding food chains and learning about life cycles. We went on a scientific expedition to Creature Corner where we explored the different habitats looking for insects, plants and creatures. We found many micro habitats and learnt how they all work together to keep each other alive. Next, we are hoping to grow our own plants and discover how they change as they grow! 

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  • Self portraits in Year 2

    Published 21/11/21, by Andy Mari

    Another exciting week in year 2 filled with art, computing, stories and remembering.

    In art we have been learning about the work of British Artist Julian Opie. We have created our own self portraits based on his work and we are so proud of how they turned out!

    In computing we have been learning about spreadsheets. We have learnt the terms “cell” “column” and “row” and we now know how to highlight these, select them and input pictures, clip art and our own drawings. This week we made our own shop, using the addition tool to help us add up prices!

    We also contributed to the whole school art installation, our helmets had poppies on them and we collaged them using various different textured paper.

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  • This week in Year 2

    Published 05/11/21, by Andy Mari

    Our first week back after half term has been another action-packed week in Year 2! We have continued to add and subtract numbers up to 1000 in Maths, this week with regrouping our ones and tens in additions.

    We have started our new topic in Literacy, we have looked at our new book called ‘Winter Sleep’ in where we are researching hibernating animals. To enhance our learning, we had a special visitor on Wednesday morning. ‘Safari Stu’ came in to see us and bought some of his amazing animals with him. We were lucky enough to learn about some animals that hibernate and others that don’t and some of the reasons why. Some of us were even brave enough to hold, chameleons, giant cockroaches, stick insects from Papua New Guinea, lizards, a tortoise, a tenrec, some snakes and a tarantula!!!

    In Geography we have started to look at Antarctica and the conditions that exist there. We have also started a new Art topic in where we made letters of the alphabet using our bodies to create the shapes! It’s fair to say it's been an exciting week back in Year 2!

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  • Bread making in Year 2

    Published 10/10/21, by Andy Mari

    The Great Fire of London started in Thomas Farringdon's bakers shop, so what better way to begin our topic than by learning how to make bread. We spent the week writing up our ingredients, equipment lists and the method, so we were ready to be chefs. We weighed our flour, mixed in our water and watched as the yeast expanded the dough. The smell of warm delicious bread wafted through the classrooms ready to be eaten that evening -they were scrumptious!

    In Design and Technology we have been creating a chair for Samuel Pepys; he wrote a diary about the Great Fire of London, so he did a lot of sitting! We have been using paper to test different shapes and structures to see which idea will be the strongest. This week we placed lots of paper tubes together like a honeycomb to see if together they would be stronger than one tube. Not only were we right, but it was so strong we could stand on it!

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  • ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark2

    Published 25/09/21, by Andy Mari

    We have been reading the story ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’ and writing our own version of the story in literacy. During the book, Plop the owl meets a young boy who takes him to a campfire. So that we could immerse ourselves in the experience, we went down to creature corner and had a campfire! We watched as the dancing flames grew taller, while warming our hands from the heat of the fire. We roasted marshmallows and sang songs till eventually the flames disappeared. We came back to class and created lots of vocabulary about our experience.

    To help us in our writing we were lucky enough to have the birds of prey workshop come into school. We learnt about different types of owls - did you know not all owls are nocturnal!  Some of us were brave enough to hold the birds on our arms - it was a real hoot!

    In science we are designing our own catapult, but first we need to test and decide which materials to use. This week we have been testing different materials to see what properties they have - rigid, squishy, stretchy, bendy and twisty. We decided that if we made a skipping rope, we could use a bendy pipe, but it would be easier to use a more flexible rope!

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  • Welcome back Pine and Birch classes.

    Published 10/09/21, by Andy Mari

    What a wonderful first week back to Year 2!

    It has been a pleasure getting to know all of the children and we are looking forward to the academic year ahead.

    In Design Technology we have been testing stability - making shapes from playdough and testing them on a tilt.  The higher the gradient, the more stable the shape.

    In History we have been comparing old and new, and thinking about what life would have been like in London in 1666.

    We have been exchanging money in maths and used the giant coins and notes to help us.

    In computing we learnt how to complete a safe search on purple mash!

    What a busy week, we feel very tired but have completed so much learning already.  Well done Pine and Birch Classes!

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  • Creativity in Year 2

    Published 18/07/21, by Andy Mari

    What a creative and action packed few weeks in Year 2.

    We will start off by congratulating Kayden on his Headteachers Award!  We are so proud of you Kayden.

    In Year 2, we have been learning how to sew.  We began by using a template and cutting our fabric to size, we then had to secure our pieces of fabric using a running stitch.  Our final product was a small pouch to store our treasures!

    We are fully immersed in Maps and Geography this week and absolutely loved our campfire experience with marshmallows and hot chocolate.  We have used an atlas and maps to plan a route and to find different place across the UK.  We have also conducted a science experiment to show the importance of handwashing using pepper and washing up liquid!

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