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Year 2 Blog

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  • Year 2 this week

    Published 13/06/21, by Andy Mari

    We have loved the sunshine this week in year 2 - it has been a great opportunity to do some outdoor learning. In maths, we have started a new topic on “volume and capacity” and kicked off our topic with a mini experiment. We wanted to see if the volume of water changed if it was poured into different containers. We found out that the volume of water doesn’t change, but it may LOOK like there’s more or less depending on the size and shape of the new container.  Getting practical and a bit wet was a great way to start our new topic!

    In computing we are coding, and this week we have been giving mini aeroplanes instructions to take off safely on a run way!  We had to create an algorithm on purple mash.

    In Literacy we are ready a story called “The Crow’s Tale” - we can’t wait to write a new ending to the story.

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  • Den building, animal holding, time telling!

    Published 20/05/21, by Andy Mari

    Another busy few weeks in Year 2.

    We were extremely lucky to have a visit from Safari Stu, who showed us a huge range of different animals.  We saw a tarantula, snakes and a chameleon.  Some of us were really brave and held the animals too!  We got some fantastic writing out of the children after this event, we created a recount using time connectives.

    This week we have been building dens as part of our new instruction unit.  Using tarpaulin, large pegs, string and sticks, we had to build a den that our group could sit in.  We could then decorate it with stones, twigs and flowers.  We really had to work as a team, listen to each other and be prepared to try out different ideas.

    In maths, we have begun a new topic of time, so far we have looked at analogue clock faces and learnt about 5 minute intervals of time.

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  • Year 2 is growing!

    Published 24/03/21, by Andy Mari
    We have been planting, digging, observing, predicting and evaluating in Year Two. We have planted various bulbs and seeds and have been observing them carefully over the past few weeks. We have been lucky enough to see germination take place with our beans, by observing them in “window bags” - the roots and shoots are so clear and visible. It has been amazing to see this process happening in our classroom!
    We enjoyed making our paper insects and thought of different ways to join paper - we weren’t allowed to use glue or cello tape - so we had to be really creative!
    We ended the week with our superhero red nose day by dressing up as our favourite superheroes!
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  • Devices down day- Year 2

    Published 08/02/21, by Andy Mari

    We loved our devices down day in Year 2.  We made gingerbread, play dough and painted portraits.  Our gingerbread tasted amazing and we decorated it with melted chocolate.  We used our play dough to create Chinese symbols and letters

    Our Portraits are for a whole school project, and we based our work on the artist of Paul Klee by mixing tints.  Our portraits were abstract.

    In Science we have been discovering habitats down in creature corner!

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  • Year 2 visiting China

    Published 31/01/21, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 2 have been to China!  We have cooked Egg Fried Rice and used chopsticks to eat it.  We also had a Chinese banquet in class, tasting some traditional Chinese dishes. In art we have been using paints to create repeating, printed patterns.

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  • Year 2 in Lockdown!

    Published 18/01/21, by Andy Mari

    PSHE - we have been thinking about setting goals and having dreams.  We spoke about how we could successfully pass a jar of treasure around the room without making any noise.  We agreed on rules that we could all follow to achieve our shared goal.

    ART - We have made repeating patterns using objects around the classroom.. We looked at patterns in nature and man-made patterns as inspiration.

    MATHS - numbers to 1000!  We have been looking at place value and adding 3-digit numbers.  We have been using the strategies we learnt in numbers to 40 and numbers to 100.

    COMPUTING - We are learning about searching safely online.  We have looked at on online quiz this week and made sure we are following rules to keep us safe.

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  • Christmas Stories by the Year 2 classes

    Published 17/12/20, by Andy Mari

    Both Birch and Pine class have recorded a Christmas story, Oi get off my train!  to listen to. Please click on the relevant video below.







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  • Latest news from Year 2

    Published 20/10/20, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have been very busy this past week.  In computing we have been using Purple Mash to create a piece of art work inspired by Mondrian.  We had to select different tools on the computer and different colours, as well as answering questions about the artist. We also used paper and card in class to make our art work too!

    In maths we are learning to subtract and we have moved onto column subtraction and regrouping.  

    In literacy we have been following instructions to draw a knight, we then labelled the knights armour.  We put post its on our classmates so we would remember where the pieces of armour were worn! We have also been reading information books and looking at the features of these books - we used post its to show where the contents page was, as well as the glossary, pictures, labels and captions.  A very busy week indeed.

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  • Castles and Knights!

    Published 12/10/20, by Andy Mari

    Over the last week or so Year 2 have had a very exciting week! As our literacy topic is all about Knights, Royals and Castles, we had a fencing lesson with Mr Moran in PE. We were taught how to defend ourselves, as well some of the terminology used when fencing.

    We have been busy writing about Rapunzel; describing what makes good and bad characters in fairy tales. We have compared two books about Rapunzel and recognised the differences in the text, as well as writing in 1st person.

    In Maths we have been busy regrouping numbers through addition using resources to support our learning. We will soon be looking at regrouping through taking away.

    In Science we have again been experimenting with different materials and their properties, using specific scientific language in our work.

    We have started to look at the importance and role of the Monarch. Discovering the history of the British Empire and just how far they travelled.

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  • Journey Year 2

    Published 11/10/20, by Andy Mari

    Over the last week Year 2 have been covering different forms of media around the book we have been covering, called Journey. We have been writing poetry, using drama to act out scenes as well as writing our interpretations of the book.

    In Maths we have been looking at numbers up to 40. We have been learning to write these in both number and word forms, exploring numbers less than (smaller), and more than (greater).

    We have been busy in Art, using oil pastels to draw a feather for a school display, as well as weaving paper to make baskets for hot air balloons and making feather masks. We have also explored making tints from the colour red. All of which link back to our book we are looking at in Literacy.

    In PE we have continued to develop our tennis skills. Improving our throwing and catching, as well racket skills.

    We also had a visitor on Tuesday 15th September. Falconry UK came in to show us some of his amazing birds. Some of these included different species of Owls, a Kookabura, and a Kingfisher. We learnt so much about why these animals have evolved the way they are and saw up close how amazing these birds are!

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  • Welcome back Year 2

    Published 10/09/20, by Andy Mari

    Year two have been really busy this week - we have been using our class manipulatives to help us with our number bonds to ten, as well as making paper chains with our times tables on.  These are now on display in our classroom as Rapunzel's hair! We have also been out on the field with Mr Moran, to learn racket and ball skills.  Year two have had a successful first week back at Roebuck and have settled back into school life very well.

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  • Roebuck's Burning!

    Published 26/02/20, by Shaun Downie

    Year 2 had a great time trying to put out some fires this week to start their topic 'We're on Fire!'

    They had to work as a team to put out various fires in the playground by passing buckets along a line of people. This was harder than anticipated as it was tricky keeping the water in the bucket and off people's shoes!

    What made it especially tricky (particularly in Birch Class) was a torrential downpour midway through the session. We tried our best to complete the challenge without getting totally drenched.

    The children showed great enthusiasm and determination despite the tricky weather conditions.

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