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Year 2 Blog

Page 7

  • Year 2 Pine visit to Fire Station

    Published 18/06/18, by Clare Elson

    Year 2 had a wonderful visit to the Fire Station. They were split into three groups and carried out different activities. We found out how to be safe at home. The firefighters taught us Stop, drop and roll. We were shown the uniform and the equipment in the fire engine. After we got to squirt water with the hoses. 


    Many thanks to the Fire Service for giving up their time and helping us to be safe. A special thank you to all the adults and parents who came with us. 

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  • Learning about dragons in Pine

    Published 09/03/18, by Clare Elson

    Pine class have been thinking about the dragon that was filmed flying over the school. We have written descriptions using noun phrases. Drama work has been fun as we explored why the dragon came to Roebuck Academy. We used freeze frame to discuss the motives and feelings of the dragon. Conscience Alley was used to give the dragon advice. We created maps to help the lost dragon find his way home. Next week we are looking forward to painting our clay dragons and creating a dragon world. This will be used for story telling and story writing.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 01/03/18, by Clare Elson

    Year 2 have had a wonderful book day. Well done for coming to school in such fantastic costumes today. We talked about our favourite book characters and enjoyed lots of reading today.

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  • Pine Class Fantastic Finish

    Published 07/02/18, by Clare Elson

    Thank you to all the adults who were able to attend Pine Class's fantastic finish. We sang a couple of songs and performed a composition. Then we were delighted when adults joined in with our learning activities. These included Purple Mash, Growth mindset art, maths, making puppets and spelling. Many thanks to all the adults who came to find out about our assessments in May. Please ask a Year 2 adult if you need any more information.

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  • Reading and following instructions

    Published 07/02/18, by Clare Elson

    Pine class have had a busy week learning to read, follow and write instructions. They have made pancakes and gingerbread men. Year 2 have learnt how to use bossy verbs and adverbs in instructions to provide more detail. Thank you to all the parents for supporting your children with home learning. You have made boats and used purple mash to help you make crispy chocolate cakes. We have loved reading your instructions this week. The adults are now going to use your instructions to see if they can make crispy cakes too.

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  • Year 2 trip to Shuttleworth

    Published 07/02/18, by Clare Elson

    On Friday Year 2 had a wonderful learning experience at the Shuttleworth collection in Bedfordshire. We were given a guided tour in the morning of the museum and saw transport from a variety of periods of History. We found out how fires were put out and saw an old water pump. Cars and bikes were explored and we were fortunate to see some planes take off. After lunch we were completely surprised by Matthew the Education Officer as both classes were allowed to take a bus trip on a vintage bus. Mrs Chapman added to the excitement in Pine class by pointing out animals such as Kangaroos and singing 'Wheels on the bus'. Year 2 had a very fun time in the Jubilee Park and even the adults shared their talents on the monkey bars and the swings. It was a real pleasure to spend the day with Year 2 who showed exemplary behavior and respect to all adults. Many thanks to the volunteers who helped. In addition thank you to the volunteers at Shuttleworth who were so helpful and knowledgeable.

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  • Year 2 Pine Class

    Published 16/01/18, by Clare Elson

    Year 2's reading area changed into a winter wonderland before christmas. We have been thinking about books that we would like in our reading corner. Year 2 are now discussing how we can link our reading to our transport topic in Spring term. Look out for future pictures soon.

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  • Mattise

    Published 24/11/17, by Clare Elson

    Pine class have been working in the style of the artist Mattise. They happily collected leaves on a sunny autumn afternoon and had a thoughtful discussion on texture, shape, line and colour. We found lots of patterns when we looked closely. We then studied art work by Mattise and created our own pictures in his style. Pine class hope you enjoy looking at them.

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  • Pine and Birch class receive a surprise.

    Published 17/10/17, by Clare Elson

    Mr Mari had a special delivery for Year 2 last week and caused a lot of excitement when he arrived in both Year 2 classes with a letter tied in a pink ribbon. The letter was from Little Red Reiding Hood. We helped her sequence the events of her day and wrote a story using adverbs of time. We are hoping for more surprises soon.

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  • Pine Class jump into action!

    Published 02/10/17, by Clare Elson

    Year 2 have been using drama to help create ideas for writing. They have jumped into a picture of the jungle.  We explored the jungle and used freeze frame to discuss how the characters were feeling at different stages of their adventure. The children are now in the process of writing exciting stories.

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  • Jump into a jungle picture

    Published 02/10/17, by Clare Elson

    Pine class and Birch class have worked as a team to create a stunning work of art. Developing skills in collage, rubbings and printings they have created a very realistic tiger. Please ask if you would like to see the display. Their work was inspired by the story "Katie and the picture gallery," written by James Mayhew. Katie jumps into pictures and has an adventure. Year 2 have spent several weeks exploring this idea and have acted, created art work and written stories. We hope you enjoying looking at your children's learning at the Parent consulations.

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  • Welcome Birch class.

    Published 19/09/17, by Andy Mari

    Birch Class have had such a great start to the year. They have quickly become familiar with our daily routines and timetables. The adults have been busy listening to readers. We are delighted that all the children want to read with an adult at home every day.  Our topic this term is Explore the Great Outdoors and the children have been busy helping the adults to plan their topic. If you do visit somewhere interesting at the weekends please take a photo and share your adventures with the class. Thank you for the amazing holiday projects that have already been returned. We look forward to sharing them with the class over the next week.

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