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Year 4 Blog

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 03/12/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 have been learning about coding in computing. We have been challenged to create our own coding blocks to create different effects. This week, we linked these to our work on habitats in Science by creating a sequence which would return a lost animal to it’s natural habitat. Once mastered, we will combine and apply a range of elements to create our own digital games.

    In Literacy, we enjoyed interviewing one another and writing balanced arguments in response to the question ‘Should children wear non-uniform to school every day?’ We have learned how to present our ideas effectively to inform and engage the reader and have been able to explore and refine our use of formal and technical vocabulary.

    In music, we have enjoyed playing the glockenspiels as a solo, in small groups and as a whole class. We have been practising reading musical notation and have progressed from accompanying a few bars to a whole song!

    In Art this week, we were inspired by the work of Henri Matisse and in particular a piece called ‘The Circus’ in which he used paper cut outs to create a collaged composition. Matisse called this ‘drawing with scissors’. We applied this technique to our own compositions in which we explored proportion, overlapping, interlocking elements and aspects of tone.

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  • Latest news in Year 4.

    Published 21/11/22, by Andy Mari

    It has been another busy week in Year 4. We started the week writing our Myths. We have all planned our own stories with a different hero, beast and challenges along the way. We have really enjoyed this unit especially when we got to freeze frame the battle scene!  

    Tuesday morning started with Books and Breakfast. It was lovely to have so many family members come in and we enjoyed having time to share and read books with them. 

    In Maths, we started a new unit - long division. To help us to understand what is happening to the numbers, we made use of dienes to make our numbers and then divided them. It was great fun and really helped us to understand the calculation.  

    We are really enjoying our Science topic this term. We had fun making use of an alien key to help identify different aliens. Next, we moved on to keys about pond life creatures. Some of us used the key to classify the animals whilst others of us tried to create our own key based on the features of the creature. This was quite tricky as we really had to think about how we could separate the creatures into different categories.   

    During Geography this week, we created our own leaflets about key geographical features of each continent. We enjoyed finding out interesting facts about different countries.  

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  • Building Pavillions in Year 4

    Published 06/11/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 kicked off the new half-term in creative style with a DT Day! We followed our designs which included aerial and elevation views to create an array of pavilions for a range of purposes and audiences. We were challenged to use tools and materials safely to create a freestanding structure which matched our designs. In addition to this, we were tasked with creating cladding (coverings) using techniques such as folding, weaving, and piercing. We realised that designers often face problems when constructing their designs from drawings and therefore need to show lots of resilience, determination, and growth mindset to achieve their goals. We had a great time constructing our designs and the comment “This is the best day ever!” from Thomas in Rowan just summed this up!  

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  • Circus skills in Year 4

    Published 24/09/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 really enjoyed the circus activities this week. We were in awe at the performance during our special assembly and then had a great time learning how to perform and master the activities ourselves. This took lots of practise not only of the skills but also in applying the Roebuck value of resilience and applying a great deal of growth mindset. 

    We were amazed at how quickly we were able to learn and develop the skills and took great pride in achieving this!

    We have also taken great pride in our learning across other areas of the curriculum and have all written exciting rainforest adventure stories where we were challenged to include vivid descriptions, exciting dialogue and action to engage and excite the reader.

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  • Welcome to Year 4

    Published 11/09/22, by Andy Mari

    In Year 4, we have started our DT unit - Pavilions. We looked at a range of pavilions and discussed their purpose before exploring the designs of structures used.  Afterwards we looked at some amazing architecture from around the world, to inspire our ideas.

    Our next task was to make temporary frame structures using toothpicks and sweets. This was great fun, and we tried to make different shapes and make them bigger without them collapsing. We considered how to ensure the structure was strong and stable and added extra supports to do this.

    Next, we will be designing and making our own pavilions which we are all looking forward to.  


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  • Year 4 go wild!

    Published 11/07/22, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 4 had a very exciting start to the week. We visited Paradise Wildlife Park where we enjoyed exploring the zoo and finding out more about the animals there. To support our science topic, each class had an interactive workshop called ‘All the Vores.’ During this we found out more about the diet of different animals and how you can tell if an animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore by looking at different parts of its body. We also looked at the skulls, which had been created using a 3D printer, of different animals to help support this learning. After lunch, we explored The World of Dinosaurs where we saw 30 life-sized, animatronic dinosaurs. These were amazing to see and helped us to visualise how big they were! Everyone had a fantastic day and the children were thrilled to be able to go on a school trip again.  

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  • Experience day in Year 4.

    Published 26/06/22, by Andy Mari

    To kick start our new Literacy writing unit, Year Four were visited by a furry four-legged friend named Timmy. We explored the different sounds, scents, emotions that a dog would experience from a dog's eye view. We are extremely excited to begin writing our story based in the Disney animation "Feast". 

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    Published 09/06/22, by Andy Mari

    Year Four were fortunate enough to be visited my members of North Hertfordshire College this week to gain an insight into the wide world of recycling and have their awareness raised on their own decisions. The children split off into a carousel of activities where they had participated in various eco-friendly tasks. Some of these wonderful tasks included: creating flower Earth bombs to grow in the garden, sorting materials into their correct recycling groups and making pledges on how they will save the environment. 

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  • Jubilee Party

    Published 22/05/22, by Andy Mari

    We're all having a street party! Year Four had a wonderful time celebrating the Queen's Jubilee by having their very own street party in the corridor (typical British weather). The children sang songs, played games and ate brilliant desserts prepared by their classmates. 

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    Published 03/05/22, by Andy Mari

    Year Four stepped into the workings of the famous artist Paula Rego this week titled 'The Dance'. We focused on asking questions about the painting, created predictions for why the people gathered together and finally undertook a small drama freeze-framing activity which involved plenty of on-the-spot thinking. The children enjoyed the freedom that came with this activity and making a picture have a story that was unique. 

    Click in the photos below.

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  • Electrifying Year 4!

    Published 21/04/22, by Andy Mari

    IT'S ELECTRIFYING! Year Four have worked very hard recently in designing, building and evaluating their electrical torches. We started by thinking about what sort of design casing would benefit our user. Then, we planned and designed the materials that would be needed. Finally, we built our electrical circuit and attached it to the casing to create a torch that switches on and off. At Roebuck, we are electricians!


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  • The River Nile in Year 4

    Published 24/02/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 put their investigative hats on this week as we started our new Geography topic "The River Nile". To guess our new topic, we began with a puzzle that tested our continent knowledge. We explored the 11 countries that The River Nile flowed through as well as finding interesting facts about the purpose of the river and the affects it has on the surrounding land. .

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