Latest news in Year 4
Year 4 have been learning about coding in computing. We have been challenged to create our own coding blocks to create different effects. This week, we linked these to our work on habitats in Science by creating a sequence which would return a lost animal to it’s natural habitat. Once mastered, we will combine and apply a range of elements to create our own digital games.
In Literacy, we enjoyed interviewing one another and writing balanced arguments in response to the question ‘Should children wear non-uniform to school every day?’ We have learned how to present our ideas effectively to inform and engage the reader and have been able to explore and refine our use of formal and technical vocabulary.
In music, we have enjoyed playing the glockenspiels as a solo, in small groups and as a whole class. We have been practising reading musical notation and have progressed from accompanying a few bars to a whole song!
In Art this week, we were inspired by the work of Henri Matisse and in particular a piece called ‘The Circus’ in which he used paper cut outs to create a collaged composition. Matisse called this ‘drawing with scissors’. We applied this technique to our own compositions in which we explored proportion, overlapping, interlocking elements and aspects of tone.