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Year 4 Blog

Page 6

  • Year 4 Experience day

    Published 20/10/20, by Andy Mari

    Did someone say bring a blanket? Year Four undertook the cosiest experience day yet to inspire their independent literacy writing. Having finally reached the penultimate stages of our class literacy text 'Float', the children had the chance to step into the character's shoes and empathise with feeling warm and snug after coming inside from a cold, soggy day. Each child got to sip on delicious hot chocolate and marshmallows as well as snuggle up with their favourite blanket from home, all whilst sitting in front a fireplace (virtual of course).

    Feel free to click on the photos attached below.


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  • Visit from Zoolab

    Published 20/10/20, by Andy Mari
    Take a walk on the wild side with Year Four who were visiting by 'Zoolab' last week. This workshop was designed to immerse the children in our new science topic 'Animals Including Humans' and learn more about how to classify animals. The children were visited by some creepy creatures including a giant African land snail, a snake, a tarantula, frog and even a cockroach! The children had the opportunity to get hands on with the animals and experience them up close and personal. We learnt about different groups of animals including molluscs, reptiles, insects and amphibians and several amazing facts - Did you know cockroaches have 2 brains? Did you know frogs use their eyes to swallow? Lots of great vocabulary was learnt by the children too - ask your child what an exoskeleton is or what is meant by vertebrate and invertebrate. 
    "This is one of the best workshops we have ever had" - Isabella Schwarz
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  • Slingshot cars constructed!

    Published 05/10/20, by Andy Mari

    The children in Cedar and Rowan class have been very busy this week finishing their slingshot cars in DT. The children had to follow their designs and create both side panels for their vehicle and the roof. Each panel needed tabs attached to it to enable them to attach this to their previously made chassis.  When designing their cars, children had to consider the design brief and ensure their car was aerodynamic, considering the shape of their vehicle to achieve this. Children added graphics to their car to make their car stand out. Once all their panels were ready, children used the glue gun and premade tabs on their panels to attach these to their chassis. I think you will all agree that they have done amazingly well, we look forward to testing out our slingshot cars next week and racing them to see who has made the most aerodynamic car!

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  • Slingshot cars

    Published 21/09/20, by Andy Mari

    The children in Year 4 enjoyed a DT morning on Friday, beginning a project all about cars! They discussed the history of cars and how cars have changed over time. They then spent the morning making their chassis for a slingshot car. This required the children to build the framework, attach their axles and wheels and create the mechanism for the slingshot. The children also got the opportunity to use the glue gun to attach their slingshot mechanism to their chassis. Next week, the children will design and make a suitable car body shape which limits air resistance so their car can travel the furthest. They will then have the chance to test out their cars and challenge their classmates to see whose car meet the design brief the best!

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  • Welcome back Year 4!

    Published 10/09/20, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 have returned to school this week and started each day to get their hands and minds busy! The different activities included tricky tweezers, peculiar potions, flippin' coins, careful cutting and lace for your life. The activities set us up to work hard and stretch our hands for the day, ready to write and ready to learn.

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  • World Book Day - Cedar Class

    Published 09/03/20, by Candice Smith

    The children loved the chance to bring in and share their all time favourite  book with their peers. 

    During the day we took part in a book swap, reading speed dating, drop everything and read - where ever was most unusual or comfortable! We also wrote a class book by generating an Egyptian themed plot, giving out parts for children to write and then compiled it for a later read.

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  • World Book Day 2020 - Rowan Class

    Published 09/03/20, by Candice Smith

    To celebrate World Book Day children had the chance to come into school dressed as their favourite book character or even in their PJ's!

    The day included drop everything and read (where ever you like), a chance to go book speed dating with unknown texts and a fantastic visit from a footballer author.

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  • Year 4 Fantastic Sewing!

    Published 09/03/20, by Candice Smith

    Year 4 enjoyed an afternoon of needlework that left everyone in stiches! First of all, a huge thank you to all parents and relatives who were able to come and join us, we truly could not have done this without you!

    The children, although lacking in confidence to begin with, showed true resilience and determination throughout the afternoon. They learnt how to thread a needle, tie a knot and how to sew using a running stitch and a back stitch. Some even managed to use these skills to sew Egyptian hieroglyphics!

    Every single child came away feeling proud of their sewing achievements, as were we. A seamless but busy afternoon!

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  • Stepping into the Tombs

    Published 22/01/20, by Candice Smith

    Stepping into the tombs with Tutankhamun!

    To kick start our learning about Ancient Egypt, Year 4 investigated the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of Egypt's youngest Pharaoh. Working in groups, children became either archaeologists, medical examiners, the infamous Howard Carter and architects. Then they spent the afternoon examining various clues from x-rays to snapshots of hidden treasurers found in King Tut's tomb. Children developed their own theories about his demise including foul play, unresolved injuries, chariot accidents etc. As you can see their mind were whirring and lots of enjoyment and learning took place.

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  • Christmas is coming!

    Published 24/09/19, by Candice Smith

    Now we know we are only in September but Christmas card time is upon us!

    The children have been busy learning about background and foreground to create a Christmas card with depth and layers.

    We began by using watercolours to create a graduated wash and then began adding additional items thinking about perspective and relative size.

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  • Welcome to Year 4

    Published 24/09/19, by Candice Smith
    The children have been busy delving into Greek myths and legends  over the last couple of weeks. Ask them to tell you the story of Pandora's Box or Daedalus & Icarus! We have been asking the children to step into the shoes of these ch
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  • Saving Water for Stevenage

    Published 06/03/19, by Shaun Downie

    Year 4 have been busily preparing for their exciting presentations, all to do with saving water.

    After studying the facts about water usage and the dangers of running out of water, the children decided the most useful tactic would be to teach people to turn taps off whenever possible. They are now preparing posters, presentations, songs, dances and animations to show off to the Affinity Water company in two weeks time.

    Many thanks to three Barnwell Sixth Formers who have kindly led and encouraged active participation in this project.

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