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Year 4 Blog

Page 7

  • Jumping for joy in January!

    Published 28/01/19, by Shaun Downie

    The children in Year 4 have been developing some excellent Gymnastics skills this half term. In this lesson, you can see the children starting to get some extra height into their shapes. They even had a go at using the springboard! There were some hesitant attempts from the higher height for sure...

    The children will be trying some more complex moves in the coming weeks.

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  • A clear conscience...

    Published 24/09/18, by Shaun Downie

    Year 4 have not wasted any time this term. We have been learning from the first minute of the first day. 

    The children have settled well to the expectations of Year 4 and were brave enough to take part in a 'conscience alley' earlier this month. All of the children took part and had various pieces of advice for the lucky volunteer in the middle.

    The question is...did our Pandora character actually decide to open the box? 

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  • Active January

    Published 21/01/18, by Shaun Downie

    Year 4 have had a very active start to January! The 'Daily Mile' has continued to challenge the children to beat their personal targets and improve their concentration levels throughout the day.

    The children have also took part in a variety of sporting events including Gymnastics, Speedstacking and sports hall activities (On Tour session). They have been exploring bridge shapes in Gymnastics, including the use of apparatus.

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  • Settling into September!

    Published 06/09/17, by Shaun Downie

    I don't know who was more excited to start the term, myself or the kids! It has been great to see all of the children back again, and we all hope they have had a great holiday.

    The children are settling in nicely to their new classroom, maintaining a positive attitude to learning and thriving on the opportunity to be Year 4 children. They are recognising the importance of hard work and respect for others and we hope to build on these important aspects over the coming weeks.

    We are looking forward to embracing the challenges ahead in Year 4!

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  • Aspiring for excellence!

    Published 03/07/17, by Shaun Downie

    Well...don't they look different here!

    Aspiration Week was a real success with Year 4 this month. We all mapped out our journey towards our ultimate aspirational goal. There are many professions that the children are interested in and our job is to harness these dreams and hopefully make them reality.

    Over the week, we diesigned a 'sucss ladder' with achievable targets towards our goal before learning how to put these steps into practice. We also designed several 'Plan B' options just in case we didn't quite achieve what we set out to achieve.

    Watch this a few years these children may become superstars! And hopefully they'll remember where it all started...

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  • Raving about Reading!

    Published 08/05/17, by Shaun Downie

    The children have made a fast start to May, getting stuck into their learning and making a real effort to succeed.

    It has been pleasing to visit Oak Class on a Friday afternoon to complete some paired reading. Each child has partnered up with a younger child to read with. They listen to each other read and encourage each other so well. I am delighted when I walk around and hear all the lovely comments the children are making to their reading buddies, and I believe they are making a real difference.

    There is a real collaborative feel to Year Four at the moment. Long may it continue!

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  • Speed Stack Success!

    Published 13/03/17, by Shaun Downie

    The Year 4 class had a wonderful time last week at the Speed Stack festival. We had to stack cups in a 3,3,3 formation first, before completing the 3,6,3 formation in the second event.

    The fastest four boys and fastest four girls then competed in a relay event. A big well done to everyone who took part: we came fifth out of ten schools which was a brilliant effort!

    Also, a big well done to George as he was the fastest boy in our heat! He's showing off his medal in the picture above!

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  • Active January!

    Published 01/02/17, by Shaun Downie

    Well, Year 4 have certainly been busy so far this term!

    We took part in the 'Mini Olympics' event hosted by the Stevenage Sporting Futures team, which was a lot of fun. Even the adults got involved...I believe there is an image of me skipping somewhere...but the children had a great time and were impeccably behaved throughout the event.

    Earlier this week,l we had an exciting visit to the Football Stadium for 'Technology Day'. They children got a tour around the football ground and even got to sit in the directors office! Many thanks to the wonderful staff members at the football club for having us for the morning.

    As the half term break is approaching, I am reminding the children to keep pushing for excellence, remembering that the 'Learning Pit' is a chance to learn new things and better ourselves!

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  • A great term!

    Published 15/12/16, by Shaun Downie

    This is a great chance to reflect on what has been a thoroughly successful term!

    The children have been learning how to blog safely and collaboratively this month, exploring how to message each other safely. They have also been planning stories based on the famous 'Wolves in the Walls' story by Neil Gaiman. I look forward to seeing them write their stories tomorrow.

    In terms of the reading challenge, it has been brilliant to see the reading percentage increase week by week. A huge well done to the children who are regularly reading at least 4 times a week. However, we are still pushing to get the whole class reading percentage to above 90% consistently so please help to encourage your children to read at home.

    Have a great Christmas holidays and I look forward to the new term!

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  • A Greek Mystery solved!

    Published 11/11/16, by Shaun Downie

    The class produced a wonderful event for the fantastic finish this week. This incuded a recreation of the famous 'Theseus and the Minotaur' Greek Myth. The children certainly enjoyed seeing the monstrous beast slayed for the final time!

    We also shared some of our shape learning that we had been covering in class, including angles, triangles and quadrilaterals.

    The performance finished with a rousing rendition of our Beatboxing song that we had learnt during this term.

    I'd like to thank the many adults who attended the event and hope you gained an insight into the learning experiences of the class.

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  • Revelling in the Reading Rave!

    Published 20/10/16, by Juniper Education
    What a fantastic start to the year. Shown in the image is the marvellous Reading area that the children are immensely proud of and cherish their time in there. We want to be the best readers we can, and this is a small step to achieving thi
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  • Buzzing to be back!

    Published 14/09/16, by Shaun Downie

    The children are back for a packed and hopefully enjoyable term at Roebuck! They have been involved in a 'Boot Camp' for the last two weeks, practicing skills already learnt and extending their horizons in preparation for the year ahead.

    They have been working extremely hard in all lessons so far this term whilst also trying hard to get back into regular school routines.

    In the image above, the children were busily planning notes and ideas for their first 'Big Write' task of Year 4. I am excited to see how much descriptive writing they have managed to include!

    Please continue to encourage your children to read regularly at home. Our extensive work on comprehension skills will be further developed with regular practice outside of school.

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