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Year 5 Blog

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  • Latest news in Year 5

    Published 22/10/22, by Andy Mari

    In Year 5, we have been using our place value knowledge to multiply and divide by tens, hundreds and thousands. In Literacy, we finished writing our Black History biographies about Walter Tull and have been rehearsing, in groups, a poem called 'Boneyard Rap', ready to perform it. We also concluded our topic about the Anglo-Saxons and used our learning to create a timeline all about the era. 

    In addition to this, we have completed a whole half-term of Handball (celebrating with a mini tournament at the end), and even built our own Parachutes in science to test air resistance and gravity!

    What a wonderful half-term we've had in Year 5. Well done!

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  • Anglo Saxons in Year 5

    Published 07/10/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 have had a smashing time learning all about the Anglo-Saxons during their workshop. They played a game called Merels, explored artefacts, marched like warriors and battled it out spear fighting!

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  • Science in Year 5

    Published 24/09/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 have been exploring the link between mass and weight in Science. We started by explaining the difference between weight and mass, including how they are measured, before testing a range of classroom items to find a link. It turns out, every 100g of mass an object has is approximate to 1 Newton of gravitational pull. How cool is that?! At Roebuck Academy, we are scientists!

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  • Welcome to Year 5

    Published 11/09/22, by Andy Mari

    It's the first week of the new term, and we are straight back into the swing of things in Year 5! The start of our Maths journey has involved a lot of practical work and rehearsal of key number facts. The children have been building, reading and writing a range of numbers up to 10 million. They have also been challenging each other through engaging, practical activities. At Roebuck Academy, we are mathematicians! 

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  • Year 5 rounders

    Published 10/07/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 have been tackling the popular summer sport of Rounders in PE this half-term. They have been mastering the basics of the rules, before working closely on fielding, batting and bowling skills. The children were able to apply the rules quickly and were able to score points regularly for their team. It has been pleasing to see their confidence grow from week to week, and we have seen some cracking rounders being scored!

    Some of the Year 5 children were lucky enough to represent the school at a Rounders tournament at Thomas Alleyne Academy. They tried hard against older teams of Year 6 children and gained valuable experience for next year.

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  • Debating in Year 5- Is it ever good to lie?

    Published 30/06/22, by Andy Mari

    In Year 5, the children were involved in a debate in RE. They had to decide whether it is ever good to lie! The discussion was centred around why people may lie and whether it is ever a good idea to lie to someone. The children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to debate about a contentious issue and, as you can see from the images from the lesson, they showed great passion and determination to get their point across!

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  • Making Shapes!

    Published 11/06/22, by Andy Mari

    This week Year 5 having been diving deep into 3D shapes by learning about volume. We began by building various solids, using multi-link, from given pictorial representations. The level of challenge gradually increased as not all unit cubes were visible in each image and the children had to use the information given to predict the number of unit cubes needed, before testing out their predictions by making the solid and checking whether their predictions were correct. Later in the week, we moved onto drawing cubes and cuboids on isometric paper – this was a difficult skill to grasp but the children showed great perseverance and with practise came mastery! Next week we will be learning how to calculate volume using the dimensions of a given solid. 

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  • Victorian Adventure for Year 5

    Published 22/05/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 had an exciting Victorian adventure this week, visiting the British History Museum in Hitchin. After dressing up for the occasion with traditional clothing from the Victorian times, we hopped onto a sweltering coach and visited some warm, friendly volunteers who were excited to start our day. The trip consisted of two main parts: exploring the various artefacts around the houses and shops, and the Victorian school lesson! The children were taught the various 'R's' (reading, writing and 'rithmetic!) by an extremely hostile and strict teacher (thankfully it was all role play!). Please do check out the video of Year 5 reading in the classroom on our Twitter page - they didn't dare put a single word out of place!


    After a minor coach hiccup, the children enjoyed the Victorian playground much longer than expected! They played with the various wooden toys and games that were available and they were so respectful of each other. We hope the children enjoyed the experience and maybe appreciate our modern schooling a little more now!

    Click below for more pictures

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  • Game making in Year 5

    Published 04/05/22, by Andy Mari

    This week, Year 5 have been busily learning about how to create their own games on Purple Mash! After trying out some examples from other schools and evaluating their successes and areas for development, the children used these to develop their own ideas to create an exciting game for younger children to play. They had to think carefully about the scenery, backgrounds and obstacles before moving on to designing collectables and 'baddies' to make the game more interesting. Some of the children even experimented with different lighting and sound effects!


    The children were thoroughly engaged all afternoon and even wanted to finish them off at home. Next week, we will be linking a new game idea to our topic - watch this space!

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  • Building bridges in Year 5.

    Published 24/04/22, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 have been busily designing and making bridges in DT. This has involved measuring and cutting wood for the structural shapes for the bridge itself and gluing the pieces together. The children have been showing excellent teamwork, resilience, patience and determination to combine these skills together.  

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  • Science Week in Year 5

    Published 25/03/22, by Andy Mari

    For science week, Year 5 were treated to a Zoom presentation from STEM point called Food = Plants. The talk involved a detailed discussion exploring the different input stages that are required to get food from the field to your plate, such as selecting seed, sowing them, getting them to survive, getting them to produce the product, and then harvesting and delivering that product. 

    During the talk, the children learnt about the seven key variables needed to grow seeds effectively. Putting this into practice, they have been planting their own sunflower seeds in school. Hopefully, the children will be able to see some amazing results in the Summer Term. Watch this space!


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  • Year 5 visit Airbus.

    Published 30/01/22, by Andy Mari

    This week, Year 5 set off on a magical space journey to Airbus. So magical, it only took ten minutes to get there!

    The children were immersed in a range of space themed activities. They discovered all about the famous Mars Rover, explored various stories about the stars (whilst staring up at a star themed ceiling!) and even got to create their own mini solar system! 

    The children weren't finished there - they got to explore a wide range of science related practical activities that challenged and stimulated the minds. One child loved the 'electric globe', stating 'I don't want to do anything else; I'm loving this too much!''

    The children gained a lot from this and were able to transfer this learning into the classroom. At Roebuck Academy, we are scientists!

    Please click on the images below for more photos.

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