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Year 5 Blog

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  • Science day in Year 5

    Published 23/03/21, by Andy Mari

    Making lava lamps and slime
    On science day, we learned how to make lava lamps and slime. We learned that cornflour, food colouring and water makes a non-newtonian fluid which is neither a solid or a liquid. It was both runny and solid when we were playing with it! We explored solids and liquids by studying the oil and salt in the lava lamps. The oil was less dense that the water so it stayed on top whereas the salt was denser and dragged droplets of oil down with it! When the oil reached the bottom, it then floated back up to the top. These activities helped us understand more about the properties and changes of materials which is our science topic for this half term..

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  • World Book Day in Year 5

    Published 07/03/21, by Andy Mari

    Today we enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities about books. We dressed up as our favourite book characters and brought in our favourite books to share.

    Testing our knowledge of books

    We started off the day by taking part in a World Book Day Quiz whereby we tested our knowledge of authors, well-known places in books and characters. Its was lots of fun!


    We then went outside and enjoyed Storienteering! We were given 15 clues which we had to read and work out what picture they were describing. Once we had guessed the picture, we had to go and hunt for it and find the matching book cover. We really enjoyed it and we worked well as a team.

    Gaining inspiration for authors

    Next, we watched a live session on the World Book Day website where we listened to different authors talking about how they get their ideas for their books. It was really inspiring and it also helped us to decide what books we might buy with our book tokens.

    Story Writing

    Next, we became authors! Every class in Key Stage 2 wrote a paragraph for our story entitled ‘The Heroic Caterpillar’. We used our skills that we have learned from The Write Stuff and Alan Peat sentences to complete the story. We are very proud of what we have produced.

    Reading Rainbow

    We gathered up some books from our book corners and made a reading rainbow!

    Masked Reader

    We watched more of the masked reader videos in class and tried hard to guess which member of staff was reading the story.

    Afternoon Activities

    In the afternoon, we choose from a menu of activities including origami book marks, making a book character out of a potato, designing alternative book covers from our favourite books and designing our own World Book Day Quiz. We also collected some pupil voice about the day!

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  • Year 5 Mars Learning: Expressive Reading

    Published 27/02/21, by Andy Mari

    This week, we have been learning all about the magical planet of Mars. Using videos, articles and websites, children have gathered many facts and figures about this fascinating world outside of Earth (linking heavily with the Space learning in Science last half term).

    Using this knowledge, the children are going to turn it into a speech from another planet. Firstly, we decided to read a speech from a film linked to Mars (The Martian). Mr Downie read it first. Unfortunately, it was so boring and monotone, we nearly fell asleep! Therefore, we needed to show how to read it with expression. Here’s some snapshots of us practising!

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  • Year 5 Cooking as Anglo Saxons

    Published 10/02/21, by Andy Mari

    As part of our Anglo-Saxon topic, Year 5 have made honey, oat and spice cakes. 

    The children learnt that as sugar hadn’t been discovered yet, the Anglo-Saxons sweeten their puddings using dried fruits and honey. They would have been cooked in a heavy iron saucepan with a lid over a fire however in Year 5 we used an oven!

    The children at school, and those that made them at home, really enjoyed making these oat cakes and everyone seemed to enjoy the finished product. However, we did think they needed a bit more honey to help stick the oats together as they were very crumbly.

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  • Learning Enquiry: Does the moon change shape?

    Published 31/01/21, by Andy Mari

    After learning about how we see the different phases of the moon from Earth, we used Oreo cookies to demonstrate our understanding. We scraped off various quanities of the icing on each biscuit to show each phase and labelled them. We learned that waxing means to grow and waning means to shrink. At the end of the lesson, we were even allowed to eat some fresh cookies!

    We also shaded a diagram at the bottom of our sheet to show what half of the moon can be seen from space.

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  • Anglo Saxons in Year 5

    Published 20/01/21, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 took part in a conscience alley related to our History learning this half term. The lesson focused on the Roman Empire, as this time period preceded our current learning about Anglo-Saxons.

    The children had to try and convince our Roman Soldier to come and help them fight off invaders of Britain. They then had to summarise ‘for’ and ‘against’ points for helping the Britons or fleeing back to Rome.

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  • Orchestra visit

    Published 19/11/20, by Andy Mari

    The children were treated to a wonderful performance from a ‘wind instrument quintet’ consisting of a wide range of musical instruments from classical backgrounds. Each adult shared insightful information about their chosen instrument and even showed the children some cool tricks in the process!

    Hopefully, the children will be inspired to pick up an instrument in the future and learn how to play.

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  • Zoolab visit

    Published 19/11/20, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 took part in a fascinating Zoo Lab workshop. During this session, they were introduced to a wide variety of animal and insect species from the rainforest.  The workshop also helped us to understand all the reasons behind deforestation. The forest ranger was very knowledgeable. He had visited and lived in many rainforests around the world so had some mesmerising stories. The children were all very brave and touched a wide variety of animals from snakes to rats. It was a brilliant session which was enjoyed by everyone. 

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  • Year 5 experience day.

    Published 19/11/20, by Andy Mari

    In Literacy, Year 5 have taken part in another experience day based on the book called The Explorer. For this session, the children had to get in role and pretend to be one of the characters from the book. In the story, the children are trying to find their way out of the Amazon rainforest and make a raft in order to navigate along the river to try to reach the city of Manaus. During the task, Year 5 had to imagine they had different roles and they worked together to create a raft. Here are some of the finished products!  

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  • Feather designs

    Published 21/09/20, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 have been busy planning their own compositional feathers in a bohemian style. Once these are completed, they will form part of a whole school display. Both classes have created some very effective patterns and we are looking forward to seeing the final product.  Here are some of the sketches Juniper have created in their planning stage. 

    Another project we have started is a Design Technology unit about bridges. The children have started it by investigating how they can make a bridge stronger. They are looking forward to designing and making their own bridges in the coming weeks.

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  • Welcome back Y5 Sycamore

    Published 13/09/20, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 Sycamore class have settled extremely well into school this week. They have adapted to the new ‘school way of life’ and are able to recall the safety tips we have introduced this week.

    We have completed a fantastic piece of descriptive writing using the book ‘Window’ as a writing stimulus. They have incorporated fronted adverbials, descriptive vocabulary and interesting verbs.

    Our maths learning has focused on times tables, finishing with a problem-solving activity using number cards. We found it quite a puzzle to use all of the cards to solve a number problem!

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  • Making felt in Juniper class

    Published 09/09/20, by Laura Jarman

    Juniper class have had a fantastic start to Year 5. They have been busy making their own felt using merino wool. The wool is made up of tiny fibres that have tiny hooks which help to join the fibres together to form felt.

    Firstly, they pinched the wool and pulled tiny strands away. This was then used to create a layer on a sheet of bubble wrap. When they could not see the bubble wrap anymore, they used a contrasting colour and put some strands of this wool on top. Once they were happy with their composition, the hard work began. The wool strands had to soaked in soapy water and then rolled up tightly in a sheet of bubble wrap and a towel. This had to be rolled backwards and forwards on the table for ten seconds but repeated at least ten times in different directions. The children’s arms were aching by the end of this! However, they were amazed and proud of their finished felt.

    Our next stage, is to create a rainforest scene based on the book we have focused on this week which is called Window by Jeannie Baker.  


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