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Year 5 Blog

Page 6

  • Victorian tin investigated!

    Published 08/03/20, by Laura Jarman

    Year 5 have started a new unit in history this week about the Victorians. They received a letter from Mrs Jarman’s sister, who has recently moved, asking them to find out as much as they could about an old tin she found in the loft of her new house. The house is Victorian and therefore she felt that Year 5 would be able to help her. Within the tin, there were a number of artefacts which the children enjoyed exploring and deciding who they might belong too. They also made some predictions about what it would have been like to live in this period of time.

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  • Year 5 Maths Challenge

    Published 02/02/20, by Andy Mari

    The children enjoyed participating in the Herts For learning Year 5 maths challenge which was held at Martins Wood School. They were challenged to compete against 18 other schools and completed 4 rounds of extremely challenging Maths problems and reasoning questions. The children worked really well s a team and despite not winning really did themselves proud with their determination and excellent teamwork. Well done.

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  • Viking Voyage

    Published 16/01/20, by Laura Jarman

    Year 5 had a fantastic start to their Viking history topic – Traders, Raiders and Explorers. Thorgil the Viking shared his journey from Denmark and England. Through drama, we sailed on a longship, filled our chests with useful items to take to England and built long houses. Next, Thorgil wanted to take a slave home with him so Mrs Jarman bartered with him before he checked his new slave was healthy and able to sew. After finding out more about the Vikings beliefs, the session was ended with the story of Thor and his hammer. We all learnt a lot of information about the Vikings and are looking forward to the rest of the term.

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  • Angry Angles and Smashing Saxons Fantastic Finish

    Published 21/11/19, by Laura Jarman

    Our Fantastic Finish

    Our Year 5 fantastic finish was excellent! It was Anglo-Saxon themed and we had a blast!

    In the main classroom, we created our own amulets from clay. These amulets were used as good luck charms in Anglo-Saxon times. We had already designed our own and then used a variety of tools to carve and shape the clay to create them. We had an excellent time!

    During the week, we were busying trying out Anglo-Saxon recipes to share with our adults. We made honey oat cakes and a barley and vegetable stew. Surprisingly, everyone hated the stew! But the honey oat-cakes were the prize winner with the tastes of the children.

    There were a number of other stations to visit with our parents. We had the opportunity to learn how to play Anglo-Saxon games, solve riddles, write in runes and find out about punishments used during the period.

    We had a wonderful time and enjoyed sharing our learning with our adults.

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  • West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village trip

    Published 19/10/19, by Laura Jarman

    Last Thursday, Year 5 had an amazing day at West Stow visiting the Anglo-Saxon village. We spent the morning exploring the different houses and thought about who lived in them and what the buildings might have been used for. We looked at the different ways the houses had been constructed and learnt how archaeologists gather information about the past. The class enjoyed trying out the beds within the houses and found the items that were hanging in the houses, including a wolf skin,  fascinating.

    In the afternoon, we visited the museum and learnt about the different artefacts found in West Stow. The children enjoyed dressing up in Anglo Saxon clothing and they even got the chance to try on a war helmet. Then, they had a session during which they became archaeologists and asked different questions about the artefacts they had been given to help work out its purpose.

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  • Angry Angles and Smashing Saxons

    Published 11/09/19, by Laura Jarman

    Today, Year 5 had a surprise visitor! Emperor Honorius entered the classroom and explained why the Romans were unable to help protect Britain against the Picts and Scot. The children got a chance to explore what the Romans had done for Britain as well as think about how the people of Britain might have felt when the Romans retreated back to Rome. This launched our Angry Angles and Smashing Saxons topic and the children are looking forward to finding out more about what happened next.

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  • Science & Technology at Barnwell

    Published 11/03/19, by Candice Smith

    Our visit to Barnwell School on Friday for their Science & Technology fair was a huge success. The children got to experience a range of activities covering physics, chemistry, biology and technology. From seeing what conditions maggots preferred, to building a bridge using lollypops sticks and pegs capable of taking a large amounts of weight! All in all a great way to get the children enthusiastic about Science and using a range of equipment not readily available to us at Roebuck.

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  • Mini Police

    Published 11/03/19, by Candice Smith

    Year 5 join the 'Mini Police'!

    The Year 5 children have enjoyed the beginning of their weekly 'Mini Police' course. So far they have learnt about anti-social behaviour, what this means and the consequences for both the victim and the perpetrator.  As you can see they love wearing their fluorescent jackets, which really get them into the spirit of each session.

    Lots more learning to do so keep checking in to see what next weeks session is all about!

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  • Bikeability!

    Published 15/02/19, by Candice Smith

    Last week the children faced the elements and through the wind and rain they cycled, cycled and cycled some more! The children began by completing a range of activities on the playground, ensuring they had good control over their bikes and we able to ride one handed!

    Then they progressed onto Level 2, riding safely on the roads. They learnt how and when to give way to cars, how to signal and manoeuvrer and the meaning of various traffic signs.

    All in all a fantastic week and important experience for all the children involved, well done to everyone for persevering through our English weather!

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  • Music Day

    Published 15/02/19, by Candice Smith

    Children in Year 5 had a fantastic music day. They learnt to play the steel pans with Mr Mari and had the opportunity to learn a few chords on the ukulele which they then put together to create a basic piece of music.

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  • All in a year!

    Published 24/01/19, by Candice Smith

    The children had a great time learning about the Solar System and why a year is 365 days on Earth. We made full use of the playground by chalking out the orbits of each planet in our Solar System and several children then became planets in orbit! We learnt why some planets have shorter years and why others have much longer years.

    In the classroom we explored leap years and had lots of fantastic discussion.

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  • A new project linked with Knebworth House

    Published 24/01/19, by Candice Smith

    The children were excited to receive a visitor on Tuesday afternoon from Knebworth House. They heard all about the Watch Tower, which is beginning a huge renovation. The children listened to the 'vision' of the Watch Tower and the many educational opportunities which will be available there in the future.

    An App is in development which will show children the view from the Watch Tower at different points in history. This is what they needed our Year 5 experts for - so the children began by drawing annotated pictures of Anglo Saxon villages which will be used by the App producers to add content about this time period.

    Watch this space because we hope to test and review the App later in its development and eventually go and see the new renovated Watch Tower!

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