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Year 5 Blog

Page 8

  • Viking Voyage

    Published 05/03/17, by Laura Jarman

    As part of our Viking topic, we were lucky enough to take part in a drama workshop. Thorgil, who is a Viking, visited school and taught us more about the Vikings through drama and stories. We are really enjoying our topic and are looking forward to sharing our learning in our Fantastic Finish.

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  • Mystery and Suspense Stories

    Published 28/01/17, by Laura Jarman

    Year 5 have been busy learning how to create suspense and mystery in their stories. They have enjoyed reading stories from the book Short! by Kevin Crossley-Holland and they have experimented with the techniques he has used in their own stories. This week they have been watching an animation called Road’s End and they have started to write their own stories based on the film.

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  • Anglo-Saxon Fantastic Finish

    Published 14/12/16, by Laura Jarman

    On Thursday, Year 5 shared their learning from their current topic - the Anglo Saxons.

    A group of children met the adults and escorted them to Heorot - the great hall where they found out about everyday Anglo-Saxon life. The children then performed a play based on the story of Beowulf which they had all enjoyed reading in English lessons. The adults also had a chance to look at the thumb pots and amulets the children had made; solve their riddles and work out the rune messages they had written.

    The class are now looking forward to their next topic - The Vikings.

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  • Anglo-Saxons

    Published 21/11/16, by Cressida Whitfield

    After our trip to West Stow, Year 5 were inspired to create their own Anglo Saxon houses. They carried out research and experimented with different materials to make their models.  Do come in and have a look - they are stunning.

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  • Year 5 visit West Stow

    Published 19/10/16, by Laura Jarman

    Year 5 had a fantastic day stepping in the footsteps of Anglo Saxons. They spent the morning in the museum looking at artifacts from the period before dressing up and exploring the Anglo Saxon village. We all had a great time and learnt so much about the topic.

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  • Beowulf is brilliant!

    Published 28/09/16, by Admin

    Year five have had a fantastic start to the year. We have started reading Beowulf and the children are loving it. Michael Morpurgo has included some excellent description to help us visual the story as well as plenty of cliffhangers to make us want to read on. Linked to this, we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and today have been busy designing our own settlements. Next week, we are visiting West Stow so we can find out even more about this period of history. Come back soon to find out more about our trip.


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  • Year 5's day at Woburn 

    Published 19/07/16, by Cressida Whitfield

    Year 5 had a fantastic day during our whole school trip to Woburn. As you can see, the penguins showed us how to line up sensibly for dinner! Monkeys running up and down the roof of the coach caused much hilarity and we loved seeing the tiny baby monkey riding on its mum's back. After lunch, we went to the play area where the class suddenly turned into monkeys - climbing, swinging and sliding!

    This week, we are putting the finishing touches to the Y5/6 production which we are looking forward to performing on Wednesday.

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  • Themed Week in Year 5

    Published 30/06/16, by Cressida Whitfield
    During themed week, Year 5 did art and English based on the book 'Zoo' by Anthony Browne. Each class had a different Anthony Browne book. We had great fun making models of animals in their habitats, using clay and modroc. In English, we
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  • Year 5 Fantastic Finish

    Published 30/05/16, by Juniper Education
    On 23rd March, Year 5 presented their Fantastic Finish about our topic Vicious Viking Victories. We started with a Viking song and dance – Anglo-Saxons versus Vikings. We also sang the song Viking Rock in which Millie enjoyed performing her air
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  • Year 5's Unusual Visitors

    Published 25/05/16, by Cressida Whitfield

    As part of topic work about rainforests, Zoo Lab came to Roebuck ealier this month. 

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