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Nursery Blog

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  • Stay and play in Nursery.

    Published 21/11/22, by Andy Mari


    Today in Nursery we had our first stay and play session and it was also Children in Need! We had a fantastic time taking part in activities with our grown ups and showing them our classrooms. There was exploring ice, a giant Pudsey made of different coloured rice, paint the spot on Pudsey and Pudsey playdough! 

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  • Spooky time in Nursery.

    Published 06/11/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have had a spooky time!

    We have been reading the story 'Room on the Broom' and we have been dressing up as the story characters and retelling the story. 

    During Child Initiated Learning we have been taking part in lots of exciting activities, some of these have included hunting for numbers in Spider webs, investigating pumpkins and making our own magic potions.

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  • Learning about number with Numicon

    Published 08/10/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have continued to explore the Numicon shapes. Each morning we have been counting how many children are at Nursery and finding the correct Numicon to represent the number. 

    Alongside this we carefully followed a recipe to make Numicon biscuits. We pressed the shapes into the dough and counted the number of circles. 

    We baked the biscuits in the oven and talked about oven safety.

    They were delicious!

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  • Latest in Nursery

    Published 24/09/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been exploring nonfiction books about the world around us. We have been using natural materials to create artwork. This included painting with sticks, creating self portraits using natural objects and exploring habitats in our outside environment. 

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  • Welcome to Nursery

    Published 11/09/22, by Andy Mari

    This week the children have been busy exploring their new classrooms and the outside environment. We have been painting, mark making, exploring water and sand play, and they have especially enjoyed exploring the scooters and balance bikes.

    The children have enjoyed meeting old friends and making new friends.

    Well done to all the children for such a fantastic start!

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  • Sunflowers in Nursery

    Published 10/07/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Art week we have been observing sunflowers and then creating our own piece of sunflower artwork. 

    We looked at the features of a sunflower, and we talked about the colour and shape of the flower. We used our hands to print the petals, and then we used seeds to add texture.

    The children have also enjoyed using chalk to create mosaic artwork outside on the playground. 

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  • The Very Busy Spider!

    Published 26/06/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been finding out all about spiders. We have enjoyed reading and retelling the story 'The Very Busy Spider'. From this we have taken part in activities based around the story. 

    Some of these were a spider hunt outside in the garden, making salt dough spiders and talking about their features, finally we created our own friendship web, where we discussed why our friends are so special to us and what makes a good friend. 

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  • Growing Frogs in Nursery

    Published 09/06/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have reading the story 'Growing Frogs' and learning all about the life cycle of a frog. The children have been sequencing the life cycle and have enjoyed exploring our sensory tuff tray. The children have been using words to describe each stage and how they change from frogspawn to frogs. 

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  • The Queen!

    Published 22/05/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been learning all about The Queen! We have found out that the Queen lives in London, and we found Buckingham Palace on Google Earth. The children have been making famous London landmarks using junk modelling materials and Lego. 

    We have been learning about the Platinum Jubilee and what it means. We have made decorations for our Jubilee party on Friday. We are all very excited to celebrate the Queen. 

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  • Jaspers Beanstalk

    Published 07/05/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have planted our own beanstalks! We read the story 'Jaspers Beanstalk' and used the steps to help us plant our own. We discussed how to care for plants and what they need to grow.  We were very excited to find that our beanstalks have started to grow, and we have been measuring to see how tall they are so far. 

    The children are eager to discover what they might find at the top of their beanstalks, once fully grown!  

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  • Chicks in Nursery

    Published 24/03/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have had some very exciting springtime visitors. 

    On Monday, some eggs were delivered in a special incubator.

    We have been watching them closely all week and on Thursday morning we had 7 chicks!

    We have 4 girls and 3 boys. 

    We can't wait to watch them grow and see how they change over the next week.

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  • Road Safety in Nursery

    Published 12/03/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been learning all about road safety. We began the week by reading a story about how to cross a road safely and learned that we must ‘stop, look both ways, listen and think.’ We have then been using our knowledge on crossing roads in role play and our different activities. In maths, we have been practising forming the numbers using cars and tracks, and we have been getting really creative and making marks using different tyre tracks.

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