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Nursery Blog

Page 4

  • The Queen!

    Published 22/05/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been learning all about The Queen! We have found out that the Queen lives in London, and we found Buckingham Palace on Google Earth. The children have been making famous London landmarks using junk modelling materials and Lego. 

    We have been learning about the Platinum Jubilee and what it means. We have made decorations for our Jubilee party on Friday. We are all very excited to celebrate the Queen. 

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  • Jaspers Beanstalk

    Published 07/05/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have planted our own beanstalks! We read the story 'Jaspers Beanstalk' and used the steps to help us plant our own. We discussed how to care for plants and what they need to grow.  We were very excited to find that our beanstalks have started to grow, and we have been measuring to see how tall they are so far. 

    The children are eager to discover what they might find at the top of their beanstalks, once fully grown!  

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  • Chicks in Nursery

    Published 24/03/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have had some very exciting springtime visitors. 

    On Monday, some eggs were delivered in a special incubator.

    We have been watching them closely all week and on Thursday morning we had 7 chicks!

    We have 4 girls and 3 boys. 

    We can't wait to watch them grow and see how they change over the next week.

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  • Road Safety in Nursery

    Published 12/03/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been learning all about road safety. We began the week by reading a story about how to cross a road safely and learned that we must ‘stop, look both ways, listen and think.’ We have then been using our knowledge on crossing roads in role play and our different activities. In maths, we have been practising forming the numbers using cars and tracks, and we have been getting really creative and making marks using different tyre tracks.

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  • Nursery in Little City heaven

    Published 26/02/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we got to explore our very own Little City. There was so much to learn about in our Little City. We could pretend to be police, hairdressers, shop keepers, cafe owners, mechanics and many more. This was a great opportunity to learn about people who help us and it also enabled us to develop our communication and language skills using role play.

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  • Firefighters in Nursery.

    Published 30/01/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been learning all about firefighters. We started the week by reading Fireman Sam – Rescue Heroes and then thought about all the different responsibilities firefighters have and how they help us. Afterwards we had a go at drawing a firefighter and writing our name.

    We have been really busy creating our own fire engines using a range of media such as paper, blocks and even the outdoor crates. We have also been using the small world firefighter toys to role-play the job of a firefighter.

    In Maths, we have been exploring our Numicon resource by ordering the shapes and then working out which one is missing from the line. We also played a counting game where we created our own fire engine using chairs, then we rolled the dice and counted on the number of Nursery firefighter children.

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  • What I like about me!

    Published 16/01/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been reading the story ‘What I like About Me’. Afterwards we talked about all the things we liked about ourselves and some examples of these included our hair, our nose and our eyes. We also discussed different foods we liked and hobbies we had. Then we drew pictures of these and practised forming the letters of our name. In Maths we have been measuring our feet and sorting objects into big and small. We have also been matching Numicon shapes to numbers. We have been really creative this week and made pictures of our face using natural objects, playdough, art resources and even with different healthy foods.

    Please click below for more images

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  • Stay and Play in Nursery

    Published 06/12/21, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery the parents were invited in for our first Stay and play session. The children were very excited for their parents and careers to come into Nursery and see where we play and learn. It was lovely to see so many parents come into school and spend some time in the Nursery environment with their children.  

    The children had the opportunity to give their parents a tour of the Nursery and to share the toys and books that they enjoy.

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  • Fireworks n Nursery

    Published 05/11/21, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been thinking all about bonfire night and fireworks. We have been counting down how many sleeps until the 5th of November as lots of us are going to see the fireworks. We started the week by reading the story ‘Sparks in the Sky’ and then we thought about some words that describe them. We came up with ‘bright’, ‘bang’, ‘zoom’ and ‘whizz’.

    We have learned all about how to be safe around fireworks such as how we should wear gloves when using sparklers and to stay a safe distance from any lit fireworks.

    We have been really creative and made our very own sparkly firework pictures and we have also been making marks in glitter with our fingers and paintbrushes.

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  • Olivers vegetables

    Published 10/10/21, by Andy Mari

    This week we have been thinking all about Harvest and started the week by reading the story Oliver’s Vegetables.  We acted the story out using the sensory small world and some of the vegetables from the story. We explored finding out which vegetable was the heaviest and which was the lightest. We were really creative and used vegetables and paint to print pictures. We even practised our cutting skills to chop up real cooking apples to make an apple crumble.

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  • Owl babies in Nursery

    Published 25/09/21, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been reading the story Owl Babies and taken part in lots of activities. We have been using our busy fingers to twist pipe cleaners around sticks, to mark make our own owl babies and re-telling to story using puppets. We also got creative and made owl babies using different types of materials with different textures.

    We are really beginning to settle into our life at Roebuck Academy and enjoying making friends and working together.

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  • Welcome back Nursery classes.

    Published 10/09/21, by Andy Mari

    In Nursery this week we have been settling in to our new class. We have been getting to know our teachers, friends and even our guinea-pigs. We have enjoyed taking part in busy fingers every morning and we have been learning the song ‘Five Little Ducks’ in our carpet time as well as reading the story ‘Spot goes to Nursery’. We have loved exploring the outdoor area and made up games such as pretending to be pirates on the ship travelling to ‘Pirate Island’, we have been climbing and balancing on the balance beam and we have been practising throwing and catching a ball.

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