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  • Geography week in Nursery

    Published 18/07/21, by Andy Mari

    In Nursery’s Geography week we have been exploring our outside area and looking at the environment around us. We started the week with reading a book all about different mini beasts, and then we went on a bug hunt. We found lots of different creatures including woodlice, spiders and a snail.

    We also learned all about British birds such as the robin, woodpecker and blue tit. We thought about what they need to survive and then made our very own bird feeders using a pine cone, lard and bird seed.

    We also looked at some pictures of some natural art which was made using different natural objects such as leaves, stones and sticks. Then we had a go at making some ourselves.

    We used our senses to go on a senses walk and looked through a ‘viewfinder’. We talked about what we could see and described things in our environment.

    We finished our very busy week with a ‘teddy bear’s picnic’. We got to decorate a biscuit and then ate them in our outdoor area with our teddies.

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  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    Published 13/06/21, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been learning about caterpillars and reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We even have some of our own hungry caterpillars in the classroom which we are watching grow over the next few weeks. After reading the story we talked about the different foods he ate on each day of the week. Then we have been challenging ourselves to listening to and having a go at writing the sound we can hear for the different foods. We have also been re-telling the story using our small world area and using the different props from the story. Then in maths we have been practising our number recognition by finding a number 1-10 and counting out the correct amount of food from the story and then matching it up with the correct Numicon shape.

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  • Romp in the swamp

    Published 18/05/21, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been reading the story ‘Romp in the swamp’ and we have been searching for dinosaurs in our Nursery garden.

    We have been mark making in the paint using the dinosaur’s feet. The children have been measuring the dinosaurs using non-standard units of measure, such as the duplo blocks, and practising to write the numbers onto the whiteboards.

    We have been using our gross motor skills to help us build a dinosaur cave using the crates and a cargo net. The children have also enjoyed acting out the narrative from the story in our very own dinosaur swamp.

    The children have been busy being palaeontologists, digging up dinosaurs, their bones and fossils in the sandpit. They were very excited to dig up a dinosaur and match it to the correct name.

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  • The Tiny seed in Nursery

    Published 01/05/21, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been continuing to think about our key question ‘How does your garden grow?’ and this week we have read the story ‘The Tiny Seed’. We have been learning all about how seeds grow, what they need to grow and we have even had a go at planting our own sunflowers. In maths we have been counting out seeds into our numicon shapes and we have also been getting creative by printing flowers using different coloured paints.

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  • How does your garden grow?

    Published 15/04/21, by Andy Mari

    This week we have introduced the children to our key question ‘How does your garden grow?’ The children were really curious to see the giant beanstalk and giant feet in our role play on the first day of term. Lots of them guessed correctly that our focus story of this week is Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have been busy acting out the story in the role and using the puppets outside. They have also been making and describing their own beanstalks using different resources such as duplo, junk modelling and megablocks in the water tray. They have also been taking on the challenge to count out the correct number of magic beans. This has been tricky as the children have had to use their fine motor skills and mathematical knowledge. 

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  • Special visitors in Nursery

    Published 23/03/21, by Andy Mari

    For the last 2 weeks we have had some special members in Roebuck nursery. On Wednesday morning we came in to find out some chicks had hatched in the eggs we had been incubating. It has been very exciting and we have even had the chance to hold them. We have been taking part in lots of chick activities. For example learning about the lifecycle of a chicken, we have made chicks using different creative resources and we have been counting out the correct number of chicks. 

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  • Nursery World Book Day

    Published 07/03/21, by Andy Mari

    Nursery have had lots of fun today celebrating world book day. Our theme in Nursey was 'Zog and the flying doctors'. We started by reading the story and then we made Zog biscuits. Outside we were acting out the story and painting pictures of the story characters. 

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  • Nursery people who help us

    Published 27/02/21, by Andy Mari

    This week in Nursery we have been thinking about people who help us. This week our focus has been the police. We have found out what the police do and how they keep us safe. We have been drawing and labelling police officers and investigating our fingerprints using powder paint. We have changed our role play area into a police station and the children have enjoyed acting as police. 

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  • Nursery learning about families

    Published 29/01/21, by Andy Mari

    Nursery have been busy this week thinking about our Families. We have been reading the story Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. We have compared the family in the story to our own family. The children have had lots of fun getting messy drawing and painting their own family portraits. 

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  • Winter in Nursery

    Published 18/01/21, by Andy Mari

    In Nursery the children have been busy learning all about Winter and thinking about how the weather changes. We have been exploring ice, thinking about how ice is made and how we can melt the ice. 

    The children in Nursery wanted to make a snowman, however, we have not had enough snow for this. We decided to make our own snowmen out of biscuits. We used digestive biscuits, lots of runny icing and marshmallows to help make our snowman faces. The children had lots of fun and they were delicious!

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  • Diwali Dance in Nursery

    Published 20/11/20, by Andy Mari

    This week in nursery we have been learning all about Diwali. We took part in a special workshop to help us understand more about the religious festival. We had the opportunity to paint our own Diyas and used special gems to decorate them. The afternoon children were lucky enough to take part in a dance workshop. 

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  • Back to school with a BANG!

    Published 05/11/20, by Andy Mari

    Nursery have had an exciting first week back after half term. We have been busy learning all about fireworks and celebrations. We have been watching and listening to fireworks and describing what they sound like. The children have been making fireworks using different materials, making marks in coloured sand and they have been using chalk and paint to make firework pictures.

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