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Nursery Blog

Page 8

  • Hatching Day

    Published 18/04/18, by Admin

    This morning there were still 10 eggs in the incubator when we arrived in Nursery...

    But during the morning the children got to see the first chick hatch out of it's egg! It took a long time to peck it's way out of it's shell, but finally the little yellow (boy) chick flopped out, exhausted after all his hard work. He was very sleepy and wet all over. During the morning he slept, woke up and strutted around cheeping, then slept again. He slowly started to dry off and fluff up. Nursery children now have the job of deciding on a name for this first chick.

    In the afternoon, more chicks began to hatch - second was a brown girl chick and Willow class got to see the third chick hatch (another yellow, boy chick).  Other classes also visited too during the afternoon, hoping to see  more chicks hatch...

    How many chicks will nursery class find in the incubator when they arrive tomorrow morning?

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  • Egg-citing term

    Published 16/04/18, by Admin

    This morning in Nursery, Kelly (the farmer) brought us 10 living eggs to look after. Inside each egg there are baby chicks growing. They are nearly ready to hatch. At the moment the eggs are kept warm and safe in the incubator. We can't wait to see what will happen next!

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  • World Book Day

    Published 01/03/18, by Admin

    Nursery celebrated a snowy 'World Book Day' by dressing up as book characters. They enjoyed hearing stories and sharing their favourite books. At the end of the morning they presented their 'Fantastic Finish' assembly to their family and friends. It included a selection of songs, story-telling, rhymes and dances to stories we have looked at this academic year (so far) in Nursery. They ended their performance by acting out the story of 'The Gingerbread Man', and then we all enjoyed eating a gingerbread man! The children took home book vouchers, stickers and a gingerbread man bookmark to colour in. Well done Nursery :-)

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  • Music Day in Nursery

    Published 26/01/18, by Admin

    On Thursday 25th January the whole school celebrated 'Music Day'. In Nursery, the children started the morning with 'Busy Fingers', making straw flutes, lolly stick clappers and elastic band string drums. Mrs Beard showed the class different instruments (brass, string, percussion and wind instruments) and some children got to have a play! (Parents, check out your 'Tapestry' entries or visit the display in our classroom to see some great pictures!) The children enjoyed a noisy boomwhacker (plastic tube instruments) and singing session. In the classroom they listened and expressed their feelings to different genre of music (with a weather theme), through dance, paint and drawing.  The children decided their favourite song was Bill Withers 'A Lovely Day'  - and as adults picked up their children at the end of the morning, we got them to join in with our dance to this track! :-)

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  • Weather Mobiles

    Published 16/01/18, by Admin

    Nursery News & Weather!

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  • 'Glad Tidings' from Nursery

    Published 11/12/17, by Admin

    What lovely angels we have in Nursery!  Last week the children presented their 'First Christmas' Nativity story as part of our EYFS production. The children performed, played, sang and danced their way through a stunning performance - well done to them all on their first appearance on Roebuck stage!

    We are now gearing up for Christmas in Nursery. In maths, the children are practising counting forwards (advent calendar) and backwards (countdown - how many days in Nursery before the end of term?), also learning the words and actions to the song: 'The 12 days of Christmas'. In literacy we are recording 'the First Christmas' story in individual booklets and looking at Christmas phonics (letters and sounds) as well as singing songs about 'S-A-N-T-A! The children are enjoying producing some great  art & carftwork too - painting Santa, making cards, calendars & gifts. We are looking forward to visiting the church to sing carols, watching the end of term panto ("oh yes we are!") and our Christmas party.

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  • November News

    Published 25/11/17, by Admin

    This second half of the autumn term has been very busy. In Nursery the children started with learning about holidays and airplanes - we made a role play airport. They then moved on to finding out about rockets, space and planets - they made model rockets from junk modelling, found out about how astronauts train and then they learnt about the 8 planets in our solar system. (The role play area has been adapted now to launch rockets too!) We made special pictures for the gallery that are space themed - look out for these at our open evening on Wednesday 29th November...

    Last week we looked as a whole school at the story of 'Goldilocks and the 3 Bears' - we acted out the story and sorted items into 'big - small - tiny' sets. Now our focus is on our show, 'the First Christmas' -  we are practising and preparing for our Early Years prerformance at the beginning of December.

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  • Autumn term learning 

    Published 11/10/17, by Admin

    Nursery has been busy learning about 'Harvest' and 'Autumn' over the last few weeks. They have enjoyed finding out about, looking at, chopping & printing vegetables. They learnt days of the week after reading the story 'Oliver's vegetables'. This week they have started thinking about the season of autumn - they have been on an autumn walk collecting leaves, pine cones and sticks. They enjoyed experimenting with mixing colours to paint their autumn leaves.

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  • Welcome to our new Nursery children

    Published 17/09/17, by Admin

    All the new Nursery children have now started at Roebuck Academy and are settling in really well. The children have enjoyed their first few days, meeting and making new friends, learning the routines and joining in group activities. In these first few weeks our learning is focussed on 'Ourselves'. The children have looked at and painted pictures of their face, they have drawn pictures of themselves, painted hand prints and learnt many new songs about their bodies. They have joined in with school assembly and joined in with PE. Well done Nursery and a warm welcome to all your families too.

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  • "We're going on a bear hunt... What a beautiful day!"

    Published 19/07/17, by Admin

    Nursery and Reception classes enjoyed a real treat this morning when they visited the Gordon Craig theatre. After having read Michael Rosen's book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', and focussing our learning around teddy bears recently, we finished off the year in style with a trip to the theatre. The children caught the bus into town and enjoyed a teddy bear snack bag before watching the show. The show was interactive and great fun - a bit like a pantomine. And of course the children could join in with all the (by now) familiar text! Children, parents and teachers all enjoyed this enormously... Thank you especially to Emma Chapman (last years Youth Mayor) who arranged the funding for this trip and to Mrs Howard for organising the event. The children will have a lasting and special memory after today.

    And finally... well done Nursery on a wonderful first year at Roebuck. Have a lovely summer everyone & good luck in your new Reception classes next year.

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  • Aspirations in Nursery

    Published 02/07/17, by Admin

    Nursery really enjoyed the whole school themed week last week on 'Aspirations'. Tony (cruise ship childrens entertainment), Kate (vicar) and Lacymai's Mum (Manager of an after school club) told us about their jobs. The children looked fantastic (see photo) when they dressed up on Wednesday - they talked about the different jobs they might like to do when they grow up. Sophie H won our class talent competition - then Sophie and her friends (Fabiola, Freya, Amelia, Bonni and Jazmin) lit up the school talent show (which they were overall Early Years winners of) with their dance routine to Katy Perry's 'Firework' song. The children have also recorded their ideas and painted pictures of themselves in their chosen career. 

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  • End of half term - Living Things

    Published 30/05/17, by Admin

    Nursery have enjoyed finding out about 'Living Things' in the first half of this Summer Term. On Thursday they presented their 'Fantastic Finish' assembly to their parents and carers... They told the audience how we had planted (sunflowers, tomatoes, potatoes and bean) seeds; acted out the story of 'Jasper's Beanstalk'; sang a counting song about frogs (we had looked at frogspawn & found out about the lifecycle of frogs); told the rhyme about '5 caterpillars' that turn into butterflies (just like our caterpillars in class); sang the song 'Chook, chook... Good morning Mrs Hen' counting how many of our chicks hatched (3 boys / 6 girls); and finished with a dance to the 'birdy song'. At the end of their performance the children (and audience) left with butterfly biscuits that the children had decorated (with symmetrical patterns) and a beautiful 'Living Eggs' / Chick booklet that they had made.

    A quick update:

    • The plants are continuing to grow taller & stronger - we will continue to tend to these next half term in our undercover role play garden centre
    • The tadpoles were returned to their pond to change into frogs
    • The caterpillars had cocooned and have turned into butterflies that have now been released 
    • The chicks have been returned - 4 back to the farm... and Mrs Beard has kept 4 of the girl chicks (see in the picture above: Sparkles, Rose, Chicky & Bella) - they will grow up with Mrs Beard's remaining 2 hens (from previous 'Living Eggs' chicks) in her garden... Nursery children will follow their progress and await to hear when they start laying eggs!
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