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Reception Blog

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  • Let's Explore in Reception.

    Published 14/01/23, by Andy Mari

    This week the children have been very excited about our new topic 'Let's Explore'. We began our new topic by exploring our local area and created a mind map of what makes Stevenage special. We identified lots of places including, the football stadium, the cinema, the shops, the theatre, Marks and Spencer's, Fairlands Park and many more! We then looked at some photographs that had been taken in and around Stevenage and tried our hardest to recognise where they were taken. We also used Google Earth to zoom into the school and different places around Stevenage. The children all enjoyed contributing to a class display of our local area and made different types of homes, shops and buildings. During our CIL time, some children have been busy writing independently about what they see in our local area. What a fun week it has been! At Roebuck we are geographers! 

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  • Christmas in Reception

    Published 19/12/22, by Andy Mari

    It is officially Christmas time in Reception! We have been busy over the last few weeks getting ready for Christmas. The children have all performed in our Christmas Nativity, Whoops-A-Daisy-Angel and all excelled at learning their lines, songs and actions, including how to sign using Makaton. We are so proud of all the children and applaud them for all their hard work and enthusiasm in making our Christmas Nativity such a special one. The children also made the most of the snowy weather this week. We wrapped up warm and worked together to build a fantastic snowman. The children also enjoyed making patterns in the snow using sticks and loved making snow angels. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the parents and carers for attending our Nativity and for all your support this term. Happy Christmas from all of us!

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  • Jack and the Jelly Beanstalk in Reception

    Published 04/12/22, by Andy Mari


    This week in Literacy, we have been reading 'Jack and the Jelly Beanstalk'. Grandma Fantastic has been giving the children some tricky words, but the children have been using their robot arms to sound them out amazingly. We have been describing the taste of jellybeans and was even able to taste some to give us some ideas. The children came up with words like 'sticky, sweet, tasty, yummy, gooey'. We based our art lesson on their Literacy book this week and made our very own beanstalk. The children were brilliant at following instructions and were really pleased of their beanstalk artwork. 

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  • Delicious in Reception.

    Published 21/11/22, by Andy Mari

    Our topic this half term is 'Delicious' and in our literacy lessons the children have been looking at recipe books and learning about the features of non-fiction texts. We have been writing a set of instructions for a Chocolate Mug Cake and of course once we had done this, we had to make the Mug Cake! The children were fantastic at following our set of instructions, and all agreed our cake was delicious! 

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  • Bonfire night in Reception

    Published 06/11/22, by Andy Mari

    This week has been a busy one in Reception with lots of different activities going on. A highlight this week has been learning about Bonfire Night and when it is celebrated. We learnt that we celebrate Bonfire Night because in 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes and his friends decided to try and blow up the English government, along with King James 1. We celebrate to remember his plot failed with fireworks. We made our own firework pictures and challenged ourselves to use our phonics to write 'explosion' words like 'bang, fizz, twirl and pop'. In Reception we are 'writers!'

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  • Seasonal change in Reception

    Published 08/10/22, by Andy Mari

    This week the Reception Classes have been investigating the change in the seasons. They have been taking part in nature hunts at forest school and during child-initiated learning. They have enjoyed learning about the features of Autumn including the changes in the colour of leaves. They have enjoyed exploring conkers and pinecones in the investigation areas and exploring Autumn colours in the creative area. The children have explored a range of art activities including leaf rubbing, making hedgehogs using pinecones and Autumn leaf painting. 

    In Reception We Are Investigators! 

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  • Circus Skills in Reception

    Published 24/09/22, by Andy Mari

    This week the children enjoyed a circus skills workshop! Our school hall was transformed into a big top and a performer called Lucas Jet dazzled us with his jaw dropping tricks, including riding on the tallest bike we had ever seen! We also got to take part in our own individual workshop where Lucas taught us how to hold a spinning plate whilst walking and how to perform tricks with bouncing sticks. We were all amazing and impressed our teachers with our perseverance and excellent listening skills. Well done, Reception!

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  • Breakfast and blankets!

    Published 07/07/22, by Andy Mari

    The children in Reception had great fun recently when parents joined them for an early morning reading event in the school hall. The hall was transformed into a colourful, comfy reading zone and parents and children settled down to share story books together. They were also able to share croissants, biscuits and juice. Before the reading began parents were able to listen to a presentation from Mrs. Herbaut reminding them how crucial it is that children learn to read at an early age. The help parents can provide at home is invaluable. It was great to see families sharing books together and having fun. At Roebuck Academy we are readers!

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  • Masterchef 2022!

    Published 07/07/22, by Andy Mari

    This week has been Masterchef week at Roebuck Academy. In Reception our text for the week has been Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen, so the children decided that they would like to make their own chocolate cake. Working together they measured ingredients, mixed and cooked. The cooking sessions generated lots of discussion about materials and changes and generated lots of great vocabulary. The chocolate mug cakes the children made were magnificent and luckily there were plenty of cakes so everyone could taste how delicious they were. At Roebuck Academy we are bakers! 

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  • Write Stuff in Reception!

    Published 11/06/22, by Andy Mari

    This week in Reception we have started using the Write Stuff literacy scheme in our literacy lessons. Our story this week was Pigs Might Fly by Johnathon Emmett. Each day we began our lessons by looking at clues inside the Meaningful Moment Bag and each day the clues referred to a different part of the story. Next, the children then built up the vocabulary they could use in their writing with the help of Grandma Fantastic. Finally, they used the new words they had learnt in their writing. The children were proud of the writing they produced. At Roebuck Academy we are writers!

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  • Queens Jubilee

    Published 22/05/22, by Andy Mari

    The children in reception have been finding out facts about the Queen, in preparation for the jubilee. Each day the children found out facts about a period in the Queen’s life. We used these facts as a stimulus for our writing and by the end of the week they made their very own fact file about the Queen. They found out lots of different facts from when she was born in 1922, when she got married to Phillip, when she became queen, right up to 2022 for her Platinum Jubilee.  


    The children made different crafts each day for the jubilee celebration. They created paper chains, made their own Union Jack flags and decorated biscuits. We practised two different songs to sing at our Jubilee Street Party which were: Street Party and Trooping the Colour which the children enjoyed creating actions for the songs. We also practised a fitness dance which looked at dances from the 1950s to the 2000’s. On Friday, we celebrated the Jubilee with our own street party enjoying food, singing, dancing and competitions. At Roebuck Academy we are Historians.  

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  • We are Street Detectives!​​​​​​​

    Published 07/05/22, by Andy Mari

    The children in reception have been using their detective skills out and about in the local area. Each day a small group walked the area around the school looking for the buildings and features that are important in our community. The children were amazed to see how many buildings there were and how they are used by the people who live locally. During the walk there were lots of opportunities for questions and to extend the children's vocabulary. 

    Returning to school the children were able to use the photographs we took as a stimulus for their writing. We also used the photographs as part of our Forest School activity. We hung the photos we took around the wood and the children had to stop at each photo and tell each other how the environment in the photographs was different to the environment in the woods. At Roebuck Academy we are geographers. 

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