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Reception Blog

Page 4

  • Fun in the sun at Forest School

    Published 24/04/22, by Andy Mari

    The sun was shinning for our trip to Forest School this week. The children enjoyed their daily snack in the outside classroom before heading to Creature Corner. There was a big surprise when we got there! While we had all been away enjoying our Easter holidays the trees and bushes had sprouted their new leaves. Everywhere we looked there were leaves and blossom. We started our session reminding ourselves of the forest rules and had a quick game of hide and seek. Next the children split into small groups and used their senses to look, listen, smell and touch.  We finished our Forest school session with our Thank You song, remembering how lucky we are to have such lovely nature on our doorstep. At Roebuck Academy we are observers. 

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  • Internet safety Day in Reception

    Published 24/02/22, by Andy Mari

    The children in Reception had great fun on Internet Safety Day learning how to keep safe on the internet. They listened to the story of Smartie the Penguin and joined in with his song ' Before you tap and click you have to stop and think and tell someone!' To help remember this message even more, the children made cut out penguins and followed a tutorial on how to draw their very own pengiuns. At Roebuck Academy we are safe! 

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  • Marvin the Monkey in Reception.

    Published 30/01/22, by Andy Mari

    Every day the children in reception get a visit from Marvin the Monkey.  Marvin is a friendly, stripey monkey who teaches the children to write cursive letters. Each letter he teaches them has a story and a picture to help them remember how to write the letter correctly. Marvin has two golden rules - start on the line every time and start with a little smile. Every day Marvin looks at the children's handwriting and if he is really pleased with the children he gives them a special Marvin clap. Look how quickly and beautifully the children have learnt to form their letters. At Roebuck Academy we are writers. 

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  • Jack and the Beanstalk

    Published 16/01/22, by Andy Mari

    To link with our Literacy text of Jack and the Beanstalk the children in reception planted their own beans. They are hoping they grow so tall they can climb up them and look for giants! Planting the beans provided an excellent stimulus for writing too. The children used their phonic knowledge to write down the stages of planting the beans. In Reception we are scientists and writers. 

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  • The Runaway Chapati

    Published 02/12/21, by Admin

    Story Inventors!

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  • Diwali Celebrations in Reception

    Published 21/11/21, by Andy Mari

    Diwali Celebrations

    This week Reception have been learning all about the celebration of Diwali. We read a story about a little boy called Dipal who is getting ready for Diwali with his family.  We learnt about some of the traditions that are followed during festival. On Thursday, we had a Diwali workshop in school where we decorated some Diya's and then learnt a special Indian dance. On Friday, we tasted some Naan bread and talked about whether or not we liked it.


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  • The Magic Porridge Pot.

    Published 10/11/21, by Admin

    Can you guess the story?

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  • Bread Making

    Published 21/10/21, by Admin

    Who will help me knead the bread?

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  • Numicon

    Published 07/10/21, by Admin

    Number order using Numicon.

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  • If you go down to the woods today, you'll never believe your eyes!

    Published 25/09/21, by Andy Mari

    This week Reception went down to Creature Corner for their very first Forest School session.

    We arrived at Creature Corner and walked through together to become familiar with our new environment. Mrs Solomon explained the rules about being safe, looking out for our friends and respecting the plants, trees and animals that live in this area. We then played a little game where we had to go off and explore, when we heard the whistle, we had to come back to base camp immediately. All the teachers were very proud of how well we listened and did this. Next it was snack, and we went and sat in the outdoor classrooms to have our fruit and milk. Back in the woods we worked in groups to try and identify different types of trees using their leaves. We had to carefully pick one leaf and look at it closely when trying to identify it on the spotter sheet. 

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  • Our first week at school!

    Published 09/09/21, by Admin

    A big hello and welcome to Roebuck Academy.

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  • Water Fun!

    Published 25/06/21, by Admin

    Somebody Swallowed Stanley!

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