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Reception Blog

Page 5

  • Geography Week

    Published 10/06/21, by Admin

    What a wonderful world!

    This week across the school it has been Geography Week. In Reception, we have learnt about the different types of houses that we live in. We created a mind map about what makes Stevenage special, the football stadium, the cinema, the shops, the theatre and Fairlands Park, to name a few. We then looked at some photographs that had been taken in and around Stevenage. Later in the week we looked at the features of our country, we watched some videos showing the birds eye view of costal regions, cities and the lake district. We talked about what we could see and about the similarities and differences there were between each of the areas. We also used Google Earth to zoom into the school and different places across the UK. We even zoomed into Africa and noticed how the land and features were very different to the UK.

    On Thursday we had an extra special treat of a camping adventure on the school field. We were able to go into a tent with a friend, we sat around a campfire singing songs and reading stories. Mrs Solomon and Mrs Prosser toasted marshmallows for us to eat. What a fun week it has been!

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  • Sports Day Reception Classes

    Published 10/06/21, by Admin

    What fun we had!

    This morning we went to the school field and joined Mr Moran for Sports Day. It was a very sunny day, so we made sure we had our hats, water bottles and that we were all wearing sun cream.

    We got in to our House Teams and wore a special band to show the colour of our house. Mr Moran had arranged 4 team activities and a race for us to complete.

    Activity 1 was an obstacle relay where we had to weave around poles, jump in hoops, walk along the balance bench, run along the ladder and jump over a small stand. 

    Activity 2 was Target Throwing. We had three balls and had to throw them onto a target. A point was earnt for every ball that stuck to the target.

    Activity 3 was Pass the Hoop. We had to stand in a circle and hold hands. We had to pass the hoop around the circle weaving it up and over each of us. It was important not to let go of each other's hands.

    Activity 4 was a Ball Dribble where we had to dribble the ball around the obstacles back to the start point.

    The final activity was a running race where each house team took it in turns to run the race.

    We had lots of fun and enjoyed cheering on our friends.

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  • The Rainbow Fish

    Published 21/05/21, by Admin

    As part of our water topic this term we have been reading the story 'The Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister. Every day we re-tell the story using our class story map and the actions the children created for keywords in the story. We have all had a go at acting out the story and pretending to be different characters.

    We even got the opportunity to look closely at a real fish. We were able to see its scales, its fin, its tail and the tiny teeth inside its mouth. 

    This week the children have been writing the story of The Rainbow Fish. They thought about what happened first, next and finally and wrote this in their own words. The children have worked hard on using their phonics to segment the words they wanted to write and remembered to use their cursive handwriting. 

    In Reception, we are story writers.

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  • Water Cycle

    Published 29/04/21, by Admin

    Where does rain come from?

    As part of our topic on water, this week we have been learning all about the water cycle and where rain comes from. We have been reading a non-fiction text called 'Splish, Splash, Splosh' by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom, which tells us all about how rain is made along with the many uses of water and how it gets to our homes.

    We have also learnt that all living things need water to survive, and so we have decided to challenge the children to grow a plant and look after it all by themselves, by making sure that it gets some sunshine and is regularly watered. We would like to thank one of the children's grandfathers for very kindly donating some giant sunflower seeds.

    We are looking forward to taking care of and watching these seeds grow. We can't wait to see how tall our sunflowers get. 

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  • Splish! Splash!

    Published 14/04/21, by Admin

    Water, Water everywhere.

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  • Science Day

    Published 23/03/21, by Admin

    Can we save Humpty Dumpty from cracking when walking the plank?

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  • World Book Day.

    Published 05/03/21, by Admin

    Read a Rainbow!

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  • Ahoy, me hearties!

    Published 26/02/21, by Admin

    Pirates and Dinosaurs!

    On Monday Mrs Prosser found lots of items a pirate might use left in her cupboard, how strange! We had a think about what we already knew about pirates and read the book 'Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs' by Giles Andreae. Throughout the week we have created pirate names for ourselves and written a list of the things we would need if we wanted to be a pirate. We practised reading some key words linked to our topic, as we did this we stomped around the room chanting our sea shanty:

    Yo ho ho!

    Yo ho ho!

    Pirate Dinosaurs

    Go! Go! Go!

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  • Devices down day in Reception

    Published 07/02/21, by Andy Mari

    Devices Down Day' proved to be a very busy but enjoyable day for Reception children. We started our day with cake decorating and drawing our self-portraits. In the afternoon we went on a scavenger hunt to creature corner and made bird feeders to encourage the local wildlife to our school. We finished the day with a disco. It was great fun!


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  • We are Kings and Queens!

    Published 29/01/21, by Admin

    As part of our 'Fact or Fiction?' topic we have spent the last few weeks looking at a non-fiction book about Castles called 'In the Castle'. We are now able to describe the different parts of the castle and know that they were built a very long time ago.

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  • Magic Beans!

    Published 18/01/21, by Admin

    Our topic this term is Fact or Fiction. We are learning about traditional/fairy tales and how they are different to non-fiction. 

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  • Numicon pattern making.

    Published 03/12/20, by Admin

    In maths this term the children have been using Numicon to support them with their learning. Numicon is a great tool that helps children to understand about size order and number without having to think about the numerals. Each piece of Numicon has its own unique shape and colour.

    This week we have been looking more closely at the different shapes and seeing if we can recreate them using special pegs on the Numicon boards. We had to think carefully about where we could start and how we could test if we had made the right shape. The children showed us that they could match and re-create the different Numicon patterns and test their work by placing the Numicon piece over the peg. The children were encouraged to talk about their work and how they can prove their answers.

    Great work Reception!

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