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Reception Blog

Page 8

  • What a display!

    Published 18/10/17, by Admin

    We are so proud of our children and the talent that they have in lots of different areas but we were in awe of this Kandinsky inspired  artwork that they created together.

    They selected their own colours and painted big bold shapes to create this magnificent piece of artwork. 

    It is situated in front of the den.

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  • Fantastic start to reception

    Published 07/09/17, by Admin

    Wow - What an amazing start to the year!

    We have been so impressed with how the children have settled into a routine already. We have loved to watch them investigate both the outdoor and indoor provision together with both new and old friends.

    The children have been in their key worker groups talking about school rules, house points and marbles and the different learning in each of the areas around the provision.

    We are really excited about teaching your children this year!

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  • We're not scared!

    Published 19/07/17, by Admin

    We’re going on a bear hunt, We’re going to catch a big one, what a beautiful day! We’re not scared.

    We definitely were not scared as the whole of early years showed our value this month of courage as we went on an adventure to the theatre.

    We boarded the buses at Roebuck shops and travelled to the Gordon Craig theatre to watch the show. The children were really excited and starting to enjoy their snack bags before we even got into the theatre!

    The show was amazing and all the children especially loved the interactive parts. Maybe not the adults, when they got the water guns out to share the experience of crossing the river!

    Thank you to all the parents that came with us to help. We hope all the children share this experience with you. This trip would not have been possible without the financial support from the former youth mayor of Stevenage, Emma Chapman. Thank you Emma – you definitely helped create memories for these children.

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  • Superhero June

    Published 23/06/17, by Admin

    June has been superhero month in Reception. We started the month by thinking about our dad's and special people. We used our physical and creative skills to make one in a minion cards and super pattern ties for our heros at home.

    Following this, the children came into class to find a real superhero...Supertato! The children loved designing and creating traps to capture the Evil Pea. They have also brought the veggies to life by creating speech bubbles.

    We are looking forward to next week where we will be involved in Aspiration Week. We can't wait to see what the children want to be when they are older as they will be dressing up as this job on Wednesday.

    We know that there is so much talent in Reception and this will be seen in our talent show next week - Good luck!

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  • Fabulous Fantastic Finish

    Published 26/05/17, by Admin

    What a fantastic way to finish our learning about transport!

    The children worked so hard to learn their words and clearly speak to the many parents and relatives that came to watch their performance.

    What a lot they have learnt over a topic that they chose themselves and have been really engaged in what Max the driver would board next.

    A big thank you to all the visitors that have come in to share their experiences of different modes of transport. The children were especially excited to have the opportunity to sit on a motorbike with three wheels!

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  • Terrific Transport

    Published 26/04/17, by Admin

    Reception asked to learn about transport so that is what we are doing.

    Max sent us a video message telling us that he is a driver of different modes of transport. He started by giving us clues to what he was driving. We started by learning about cars. The children told us what they knew about cars and then what they wanted to learn that week.

    They all enjoyed looking and learning about Mrs Howard’s car. They were even pretending to drive it even if the car did end of with a flat battery. Good learning for all of us!

    This week, Max is flying an aeroplane and the children have told us about their experiences. They continue to amaze us with their eagerness to learn new things and try different experiences, even if it can be a bit tricky at times.

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  • Mother's Day Special

    Published 26/03/17, by Admin

    It was hard to not have a warm fuzzy feeling inside as Reception told their mums and nans just how much they love them during their Fantastic Finish.

    The children showcased their writing and drawing skills as well as their communication as every child spoke into a microphone to say thank you to a special person at home to celebrate Mother's Day.

    The children also enjoyed sharing their Mother's Day songs that they had learnt for their performance and was apparent that they knew all about mum's telling them off....oops!

    Thank you to everyone that was able to attend. The children love showing you all what they have learnt at school.

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  • Fabulous February

    Published 01/03/17, by Admin

    Reception are half way through the Spring term now and they have continued to WOW the adults.

    To start the month, we finished off our topic on toys. The children loved making their toy that they had designed in previous weeks and tested them out. The children are really starting to think and share their ideas with both friends and adults.

    The children returned after half term to start learning again. We have started to explore the North Pole and talking about going on an expedition. We have been thinking about healthy food that we could take on our expedition that would give us energy. We have also been talking about the different things that we would see like the different animals that live in cold places.

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  • Reception's trip to Aldenham Country Park

    Published 30/01/17, by Admin

    Did you know that Winnie the Pooh's birthday is on the 18th January?

    We did, so off we went to Aldenham Country Park on a red double decker bus to visit 100 Aker Wood to wish him a happy birthday.

    While we were there, we found lots of other things to add to our adventure. We visited a farm where the larger animals were very entertaining. The cows were mooing very loudly and the goats were eager to say hello.

    Thank goodness we took our welly boots as the woods were very muddy. Inside the woods, there were 26 bears (don't worry, they were only soft toy bears) which the children had to hunt high and low for and bring back to their owners. Then the children had to work in two teams to build a den as shelter for the bears. There was some amazing team work when collecting the large sticks together to ensure everyone was safe.

    After lunch, we went off on the search of 100 Aker Wood. The children were very excited to finally find Pooh bear's house. There was also a lovely surprise of other houses as well. The children also had the chance to play Pooh Sticks over the bridge - even though someone ended up in the water and it wasn't one of the children! Oops!!

    We left the park a little colder than we arrived but it was without a doubt, that everyone had had a fantastic adventure.

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  • A magic Christmas visitor

    Published 12/12/16, by Admin

    Last Monday, a snowy track with footprints had been left in both reception classes. Who could have left them? The children investigated and found a Christmas elf had appeared with a book. The elf couldn't talk but the book told us all about him.

    The elf has asked the children to give him a name. So Oak called thier elf Sam and Willow called their elf Charlie.

    The book told them that they must not touch Sam and Charlie otherwise his magic would disappear. Every night, Sam and Charlie reported back to Father Christmas what the children had been doing that day.

    Every morning the children have been excited to see what their elf had been doing each night while we had been sleeping.

    So far he has drawn a self portriat, flicked through a magazine and chose something for Christmas, drew Minions on our snack bananas, had a snowball fight with the other toys in the room and made a snow angel.

    I wonder what he will do next? Can you guess?

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  • Whoops-a-daisy Angel!

    Published 09/12/16, by Admin

    What a lot of stars we have in Reception!

    The teachers were so proud of the children during their performance of Whoops-a-Daisy Angel. They worked so hard to learn their words and actions to all the songs and stood proud on the stage.

    Not only did the children give an amazing performance, they also spent a lot of time making props and decorations for the show. They were all very proud of their work.

    Thank you to everyone for all your help, especially the parents that supported their children with providing such lovely costumes.

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  • Something great and something small

    Published 28/11/16, by Admin

    During theme week, Reception ventured out on Monday morning for a leisurely stroll. We were surprised to find that someone had set up camp in Creature Corner. We were also amazed at the size of this person's belongings, they were enormous - who could it be?

    On the way back, some eagle eyed children spotted a little house in the bushes. Someone else had built a house over the weekend but this time their belongings seemed to be really tiny.

    We spent the rest of the week sharing ideas of who it could be and looking out for other clues that may help us figure out who is living in the school.

    The children recorded their ideas by drawing and writing. They even created road signs to warn people about the tiny house so that it didn't get crushed.

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