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Reception Blog

Page 9

  • Fantastic Finish

    Published 19/10/16, by Admin

    We are so proud of all the children in the reception classes for working so well together to share with their grown-ups the learning that we have done so far.

    It was a big audience for the children to perform to but they smiled and spoke with confidence.

    We especially enjoyed sharing our dough disco moves with you - can you think of anymore moves that we could include?

    Thank you to all the grown-ups that came back to the classroom afterwards for a tea party. The children are really proud of their classroom and loved sharing the experience with you.

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  • Reception settle into school life

    Published 28/09/16, by Admin

    Willow and Oak have settled really well into routines at Roebuck.

    Our first week was all about learning routines, investigating the classroom both inside and out and making new friends. The following week we read the Enormous Crododile and children enjoyed the crocodile themed activities created for them.

    Next, we had great fun in listening to a story about Have-a-go hare and learning about growth mindset. We created bubbles both inside and outside the classroom to release our creative ideas.

    Finally in September, we have heard a rumbling as the dinosaurs approached while reading the story, How to grow a dinosaur. Children have created their own electronic dinosaur book, looked at different shapes to design a dinosaur and found sounds on bones which they have tried to find in books.

    What a busy month...we can't wait to see what the next few weeks will bring!

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  • Wonderful time at Woburn

    Published 19/07/16, by Admin

    The children had an amazing time at Woburn Safari on Friday.

    We started the day with an Australian walkabout and then on to monkey business. The children loved watching them being fed by the keeper and were excited to be so close to them without any bars.

    We jumped back on the coach and drove around the road safari. We saw giraffes, zebras, rhinos, lions, tigers, bears, wolves and monkeys to name a few.

    We all had a great time and there were even a few snores on the way back.

    Thank you to all the parent support we had on the trip, you were all amazing!

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  • Adventure to Frankie and Benny’s  

    Published 26/06/16, by Admin

    We have some amazing parents at Roebuck which really shined through when two dads were kind enough to help Willow and Oak go on a real adventure on Thursday.

    We were lucky enough to have 2 Arriva buses waiting for us at Roebuck shops to take us straight to Frankie and Benny’s. Children got to experience the purchase of bus tickets on public transport, some of which had never experienced before. We were also greeted by Arriva’s mascot and the children enjoyed giving him a hug or high five.

    At Frankie and Benny’s, children were able to design their own pizza with a variety of ingredients and take part in watching some of their favourite children’s cocktails being made and then having a taste, deciding which one was the best.

    Once the children had eaten their pizza, we had a coach waiting for us outside to finish our adventure to take us back to school.

    Thanks again to those that help organise the trip and to all the parents that came with us to support the children.




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  • Another Fantastic Finish 

    Published 26/05/16, by Admin
    Reception children hosted a traditional tale story time for their grown-ups. They described different ways of telling stories including singing, talking with actions and the use of musical instruments with acting. The children sang the story of
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  • Sizzling Start to Summer Term

    Published 04/05/16, by Juniper Education
    The children came back with enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. The first week saw us take part in the Race for Life where we asked the children to run around the school field twice to raise money for cancer research. All the children did this even
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