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Year 1 Blog

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  • Latest news in Year 1

    Published 11/05/24, by Andy Mari

    In maths, Year 1 have enjoyed using clocks and learning to tell the time. We have used fantastic time vocabulary to describe different parts of our day. We have also been busy recapping all of our Phase 3 and Phase 5 sounds and reading a mixture of real and non-real words. Our history kicked off with learning about Grace O'Malley and ordering the events of her line on a timeline. We have also been learning to play the Glockenspiels in Music. We sound great! In Year 1 we are Historians and Musicians!

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  • Pirates in Year 1

    Published 27/04/24, by Andy Mari

    Ahoy there me hearties! Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed kicking off their new topic with a Pirate dress up day. We had a full day of DT where we designed, created, tested and then evaluated our very own pirate ships. 

    It was great fun testing out of the boats on the seven seas!  

    In Literacy, we have been writing a non-chronological report all about Pirates. We used role play to act out many different jobs aboard the ship and decided which ones we would and would NOT enjoy! We also learned about different foods and drinks that Pirates may have had. We even tried our very own Ginger Beer. 

    Yo-ho-ho! We've had a blast! 

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  • Bubbles in Year 1

    Published 02/04/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 have been thoroughly enjoying their Science topic this term. This week we focused on the sense of 'taste'. We tried a variety of different foods and used a range of adjectives to describe them. As you can see from the photos, some of us were not fans! They do say marmite is LOVE IT or HATE IT!

    Continuing with the science... the whole school completed a Science day all about BUBBLES! Our question was 'What is the best way to make bubbles?'. We tested using whisks, hands and straws. It was absobubbly brilliant! 

    Also, a huge thank you to all the parents that attended our KS1 reading morning and afternoons. We LOVE sharing books with you.

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  • All about us in Year 1!

    Published 02/03/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 1 have had a fab start to the term. In Art, we have been learning all about primary and secondary colours. We enjoyed mixing primary colours together to see what new colours we could make! Our Science topic this term is all about US.. humans! We started the topic off by using the correct terminology for different parts of our bodies and we thought about our similarities and differences. We also measured to find out who had the largest \ smallest hands and feet in our class! 

    At Roebuck we are Artists AND scientists! 

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  • Latest news in Year 1

    Published 14/02/24, by Andy Mari

    This week in Year 1 we have been learning about how animals move. We acted out lots of different movements and tried to guess which animal it was. We have also been lucky to have students from North Herts College work with children in Elm class in the Allotments planting seeds and looking after the beds.

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  • Why do fish not have fingers?

    Published 27/01/24, by Andy Mari

    This week in Year 1 we have been very busy finding out all about the first astronaut on the moon, Neil Armstrong. We have also been looking at number sequences using more and less. In phonics, we have been learning about some of the ways  ways to make an I sound using Yellow-I to help us. 

    In science, we asked ourselves the question, Why do fish not have fingers? We held and looked at the fish under the magnifying glass to see all of the parts. We discussed how fish live and breathe underwater and compared them to other animals. We discovered that not many children in year 1 have held or been this close to a fish before. We really enjoyed being scientists. 

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  • Exploring Space in Year 1

    Published 16/01/24, by Andy Mari

    Wow! What a great start back to Year One zooming straight into our Space Topic!  We have been reading "The Way Back Home" by Oliver Jeffers and have been writing some fantastic sentences about the little boys unexpected journey to the moon.  In Maths, we have made sure we are being extremely accurate, as we have been measuring using 1cm cubes.  We have been lining up the cubes very carefully so that they are the same as a ruler.  This has helped us to make comparisons and use language such as "longer", "shorter" and "equal".  We are practising our joining skills in Design and Technology, ready to make hand puppets in a few weeks (we can't wait to show you them!)  We have used glue and staples to join two pieces of fabric together and discussed which was stronger.  Using a stapler was tricky, and we needed to make sure we were very safe when attaching the fabrics together.  We have also learnt how to draw a continuous line drawing of our friends, remembering not to take our pencil off of the paper...can you see who we have drawn!

    In Year One, we are explorers!

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  • Visitors in Year 1

    Published 09/12/23, by Andy Mari

    CHRISTMAS HAS ARRIVED! This week has been very exciting as we performed our Christmas concert to the rest of the school and to all of our wonderful parents. We had such a fabulous time singing all the songs and getting into the festive spirit!

    As part of our Superhero topic, last week we were visited by the fire brigade and some police officers. We learned all about how they keep people safe and we asked them lots of interesting questions! We also celebrated our superhero topic with a dress up day and have been writing some fantastic sentences based on the story 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson. 

    In Year 1 we are... SUPER! 

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  • Busy week in Year 1

    Published 25/11/23, by Andy Mari

    It always feels so busy in Year One, and this week has been no exception!

    In Literacy, we have wrapped up our writing about Florence Joyner, by thinking about our own dreams and goals.  We thought about what we wanted to do or be when we are grown-ups.  We had some very inspirational answers from firemen, to being a mummy, to owning our own houses and cars.  Someone even said they wanted to be a vet.

    In art we have tried to create our own continuous line drawings of objects and of people.  We were very successful and felt very proud of our work.

    Our phonics evening was a huge success, and we hope it was a helpful workshop for you all.

    In maths, we have continued our learning about numbers to 20 and we have been spotting patterns in numbers.

    In Year One, we are inspirational!

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  • Latest news in Year 1

    Published 11/11/23, by Andy Mari

    In year 1 we have kicked off the new half term with firework poetry! We have all spoken about our own experiences of Firework Night and created some noun phrases for our own writing.  We have spoken about spinning Catherine Wheels, Dazzling Sparklers and Crackling Fires.  

    Our art work this week was inspired by Claude DeBussy's "la mer".  We listened to the piece and created water themed art work in groups.  We are so proud of our creations!

    Books and blankets was a huge success and we loved having parents and families joining us to read our favourite stories and fact books. We have received some fantastic home learning tasks in too, with the children creating super shields, splendid stories and perfect pictures based around our Superhero topic - a child in Maple Class has also been awarded a Blue Peter badge too, which is a fantastic achievement!

    In PSHE we have been thinking about including everyone and making sure nobody feels left out.  We played a game called huggy bears to help us to remember to make sure everyone in our class is welcome in our games and learning.

    In Maple Class we are Superheroes

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  • Art inspiring Year 1

    Published 08/11/23, by Andy Mari

    In year 1 we have kicked off the new half term with firework poetry! We have all spoken about our own experiences of Firework Night and created some noun phrases for our own writing.  We have spoken about spinning Catherine Wheels, Dazzling Sparklers and Crackling Fires.  

    Our art work this week was inspired by Claude DeBussy's "la mer".  We listened to the piece and created water themed art work in groups.  We are so proud of our creations!

    Books and blankets was a huge success and we loved having parents and families joining us to read our favourite stories and fact books. We have received some fantastic home learning tasks in too, with the children creating super shields, splendid stories and perfect picture based around our Superhero topic - a child in Maple Class has also been awarded a Blue Peter badge too, which is a fantastic achievement!

    In PSHE we have been thinking about including everyone and making sure nobody feels left out.  We played a game called huggy bears to help us to remember to make sure everyone in our class is welcome in our games and learning.

    In Maple Class we are Superheroes!

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  • Seasonal changes in Year 1

    Published 15/10/23, by Andy Mari

    This term, Year 1 have been learning about seasonal changes. We went on an adventure to spot signs of Autumn. We saw leaves turning brown and empty birds' nests in trees. But then we had to dash back inside because we got caught in the rain (standard UK weather)! This week we made our very own weather reports using maps, props and microphones. We enjoyed working together as a team! At Roebuck, we are.. Meteorologists! 

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