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What a blast!

This half term has started with a bang as we began our new topic called, “Shakes, Shocks and Hotspots”.  

In science, we continued our learning about rocks and focused on soil permeability. Can you ask your child, “What part do rocks play in forming soil?” 

In English, we identified features of newspaper reports and created our own eye-catching headlines. Additionally, we pretended to be people from Pompeii and interviewed each other to get eye-witness statements, to include in our own reports. Can you ask your child, “What are the features of a newspaper report?”  

In maths, we have been exploring fractions and have started to compare and order them. Can you ask your child, “What is the number called at the top and on the bottom?”  

In geography, we have talked about what volcanoes are and have identified where they are in our world. We have focused on Vesuvius and the tragedy of Pompeii, in 79AD, to help us with our English unit. 

Well done for a great start back! 

Miss Wildgoose and Miss Whitfield  


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