Scroll making in Year 4

It has been a busy start to the half term in Year 4. Last half term, we did lots of work investigating the style, pattern and characteristics of Ancient Egyptian art. This week we started making our own scrolls by creating a modern-day version of papyrus style paper. We did this by dipping strips of brown paper in watered down PVA glue. After removing most of the glue, we laid the paper in a vertical direction. We then repeated the process but this time placed the paper in a horizontal direction. We had to make sure the strips overlapped so that we created a solid surface. It was a messy process but great fun.
We left our paper to dry over night and then carefully copied our scroll designs from our sketchbooks onto the paper we had made. Once we were happy with the design, we used water colour paint and poster paint to add colour to our designs. We thought carefully about the colours we used as we needed to take into consideration the colours that would have been available in Ancient Egypt times.
At Roebuck we are Egyptian scroll makers!
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