Victorian Adventure for Year 5
Year 5 had an exciting Victorian adventure this week, visiting the British History Museum in Hitchin. After dressing up for the occasion with traditional clothing from the Victorian times, we hopped onto a sweltering coach and visited some warm, friendly volunteers who were excited to start our day. The trip consisted of two main parts: exploring the various artefacts around the houses and shops, and the Victorian school lesson! The children were taught the various 'R's' (reading, writing and 'rithmetic!) by an extremely hostile and strict teacher (thankfully it was all role play!). Please do check out the video of Year 5 reading in the classroom on our Twitter page - they didn't dare put a single word out of place!
After a minor coach hiccup, the children enjoyed the Victorian playground much longer than expected! They played with the various wooden toys and games that were available and they were so respectful of each other. We hope the children enjoyed the experience and maybe appreciate our modern schooling a little more now!
Click below for more pictures
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