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Page 9

  • Reading buddies

    Published 09/02/18

    Pupils from Year 4 and 5 have been working with a group of Year 10 reading buddies from Thomas Alleynes. On Friday 2nd February,  students joined Roebuck in the library for our first session of the year. The children enjoyed getting to know one another and discussing what books they like to read. Thomas Alleyne students shared their recommendations and have set our children their own individual challenge regarding how much they can read before they meet again in March. Our children at Roebuck, loved the session and it has ignited a passion for reading. We cannot wait until our next reading buddy session! 

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  • Dream Catcher assembly- Mr Drackford

    Published 09/02/18
    On Thursday 1st February, we were joined by Mr Drackford who came in to talk to us about the inspirational work he is carrying out in Africa. So far, he has taken a team out every year to help a school in Gambia called Kassa Kunda. He has built the school two new classrooms and has provided them lunch for the past year. This year he is hoping to build them a park and a library. Children were eager to ask questions at the end of the session and were fascinated looking at the photos and videos that they were shown. Many have commented to me since the assembly that they feel inspired to help others and make a difference. Year 2 and Year 6 are going to write letters for Mr Drackford to take to the school and we are hopefully going to try and make links with the school for the future. You can follow Mr Drackford's trip to the Gambia on: where he will upload daily videos of their progress. Please share these with your children.
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  • Music day

    Published 29/01/18

    On Thursday 26th January music was celebrated at Roebuck Academy. All teachers planned musical activities in class and we were excited to be joined by lots of visitors. Many thanks to teachers from Barnwell and Thomas Allyene Secondary Schools. We were also delighted to be joined by teachers from the Music Service. Activities included using Boomwhackers, Ukuleles, Virtual DJ music, Djembe and composing music.  Many thanks to all our helpers. You really helped to give the children a wonderful day of different music experiences. A sharing assembly was held at the end of the day to share what we had learnt and celebrate our achievements.

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  • Dream catcher assemblies continue to inspire!

    Published 25/01/18

    Last week we were very lucky to be joined by Andy Nation who is a long distance swimmer and grandad to three of our children.

    Andy has taken part in many events over the years and has raised considerable amounts of money for charity. Children listened in awe as Andy told us about the different events and activities he has been involved in and shared photos in a really inspirational presentation. His passion and enthusiasm and words of advice telling the children that they can be what ever they want to be really resonated with many of our children. One child even went home and said that they wanted to be a swimmer when they are older and that they hope dreamcatcher assemblies are still happening in the future so that they can come back and inpsire other children just like they have been inspired now! WOW! What an amazing impact these assemblies are having. If you think you could help us inspire our children please do contact Mrs Thomas.
    If you or your child would like to know more about Andy, you can visit his website:
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  • EYFS and KS1 carol service

    Published 16/01/18

    We celebrated the christmas season with carols. Due to the snow we were unable to walk to the church so we are very grateful Rev Kate Sharples was able to come to us. All the adults were impressed with the singing. We heard the christmas story by pulling crackers. In each cracker there was an object linked to the story. Many thanks to Rev Kate Sharples and all the parents who were able to attend. It was a lovely morning.

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  • EYFS Working Party

    Published 15/01/18

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    We can not say enough thank you's to all the children and parents that came to school on Saturday 13th January to help spruce up the EYFS outdoor area.

    There was gardening, painting, roofing, clearing, sorting, dismantling and stone shovelling to name a few jobs.

    There are still a few job to do but the difference it has already made is amazing. We will be having another working party in the near future.

    Keep a look out for the new and improved EYFS outdoor area over the next few months.


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  • Reverse Advent Calendar

    Published 15/12/17


    Thank you so much for all your very kind donations for the reverse advent calendar, your generosity has been overwhelming. You are all amazing and will definitely put smiles on people of Stevenage. All donations will be taken to the central collection place on Monday.

    Have a fantastic Christmas - School Council 😍😍😍

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  • KS1 and EYFS Carol Concert

    Published 13/12/17

    We didn't let the snowy and icy conditions affect our carol concert - thanks to Rev Kate coming to us, the show went on.

    Rev Kate with the help of a few friends told the story of the first Christmas with a bang (well, the crackers went bang) to the children in KS1 and EYFS.

    Children sang well known songs such as Little Donkey, Away in a manager and Jingle Bells as well as new songs that the children had learnt including Starry night.

    Clues to what happened next in the story were hidden inside the crackers that some of the children pulled with Rev Kate.

    Thank you to all the parents that joined us with the celebrations.

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  • School is Open on Tuesday 12th December

    Published 11/12/17

    School will re-open on Tuesday 12th December

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  • School closed Monday 11th December.

    Published 10/12/17

    Due to the current adverse weather conditions, we have decided, along with other Primary Schools in Stevenage , to close the school on Monday 11th December. We have made this decision early in order to give parents as much notice as possible as the weather conditions are due to continue during the day on Monday. Please check back here on Monday for further information about whether the school is open on Tuesday.

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  • Art day

    Published 05/12/17
    Well done Year 5 for being wonderful ambassadors for the school when we invited Elspeth Jackson and her team to Roebuck for the day.  We were taught how to use recycle rags to create works of art. We were joined by some children from Trotts
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  • Odd Socks Day to support Anti-Bullying weeks

    Published 29/11/17

    On Wednesday, children came to school a little puzzled to why they had  been asked to wear odd socks that day. All was explained in the morning assembly...

    Andy Day (from Cbeebies) and the Odd Sock band worked together with the Anti-Bullying Alliance to create a song called Unique.

     Their songs are all about being unique and appreciating others unique qualities. It’s a wellknown fact that encouraging acceptance of individuality at an early age can help prevent bullying later in life.

    By wearing odd sock our aims were - 

    •   to empower children to celebrate what makes them, and others, unique

    •   help children to understand how important it is that every child feels valued and included in school, able to be themselves, without fear of bullying 

    •   enable teachers and school support staff to celebrate what makes us ‘all different, all equal’ by celebrating difference and equality and taking individual and collective action to prevent bullying, creating safe environments where children can be themselves

    Thank you to everyone that has supported this very important message with the aim to stamp out any sort of bullying at Roebuck Academy!


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