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Dream Catcher assembly- Mr Drackford
On Thursday 1st February, we were joined by Mr Drackford who came in to talk to us about the inspirational work he is carrying out in Africa. So far, he has taken a team out every year to help a school in Gambia called Kassa Kunda. He has built the school two new classrooms and has provided them lunch for the past year. This year he is hoping to build them a park and a library. Children were eager to ask questions at the end of the session and were fascinated looking at the photos and videos that they were shown. Many have commented to me since the assembly that they feel inspired to help others and make a difference. Year 2 and Year 6 are going to write letters for Mr Drackford to take to the school and we are hopefully going to try and make links with the school for the future. You can follow Mr Drackford's trip to the Gambia on: where he will upload daily videos of their progress. Please share these with your children.