Read it 2
We have chosen to spend our Early Years Pupil Premium funding on providing the Readit2 programme for our children in our Nursery class. We are proud to be doing the Readit2 programe as we believe that it has an enormous impact on our young children's enjoyment and understanding of first books.
Readit2 was developed by experienced teacher and early years adviser Sarah Kingham. Like us, she passionately believes that all children can enter school with the pre-literacy skills that enable them to successfully learn to read.
At the core of Readit2 is an emphasis on the development of an emotional attachment to reading and learning: it is this daily one-to-one reading experience between a child and expert practitioner that has been proven to make a difference.
Readit2 has one clear aim: to help children, who are identified as needing early intervention at ages two to five, enter school as reading equals. This is done through an emotionally bonding, one-to-one reading experience. It’s not complex: it’s grounded in theory and research. Most importantly, Readit2 has had a significant impact on children in receipt of Early Years Pupil Premium.
To find out more about the Readit2 programme, please pop in and ask us or visit the following website. You can also contact Sarah Kingham direct on 07588 320550 or at: